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SVA Failure ! HID Headlights


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Hi guys......my brother has just imported a Z, and we thought we had done everything required to get it through its ESVA test today..........I have imported various cars in the past for myself so i was confident it was going to pass first time..........I was wrong !!!!!


It failed because the headlights are gas discharge efforts and Japan being a sensible country, they dont have to have washers and be self levelling.....the UK requires this functionality.......ridiculous ! so it failed......gutted !


So my question to you knowledgable lot is this: What are my options? :


- Can UK 350z's come with normal bulbed headlights instead well as the fancy pants HID units? (HID will not do as I have no washers or self levelling gubbins)

or if not do I have to search for a set of non HID JDM Headlamps?


Is there any way of butchering the HID units to incorporate a normal bulb?


I blame the Germans for all this un-necessary technology!



I would be most gretful for any help/advice......


Thanks in advance



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  nixy said:
sorry to be blonde despite being brunette - can you explain what all of the above means in english - I'm not over familiar with the headlight assembly.


Sorry nixy.. basical the original bulbs on a Jap Import (HID ) wont pass the SVA test (you need this to first register an import ) this is because under UK laws HID equiped cars also need headlamp washers (God knows why :wacko: )


All most importers do is swop the HID bulbs for standard Halogen items to pass the SVA, then when this is all done just put the orioginal HID bulbs back in.. These subsequently will pass any further MOT test's :thumbs:

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  nixy said:
I got the bit about the SVA its the HID bit I'm not clear on - what's the difference in bulbs and why do they need washers.


God knows , just some Euro law that says HID equiped cars need headlamp washers fitted as well...They seem to be OK for everywhere else without them..in fact most people on here are working out how to stop them working on their UK cars :teeth:

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Cheers Guys......so i take it that they are a straight swap......


My brother didnt use an importer, he used me instead......!



As long as i know i can swap them for some Non HID with not much fuss then I'm a happy bunny.....



next issue is sourcing some that dont come from Mr Nissan Uk, as he is probably going to want to remove my pants and spank my behind !!!!!


Any suggestions chaps ????!?!?!?


Many thanks Ben


(I like this forum, everyone is nice)

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Most importers whip out the HID bulbs and wire up a pair of halogen bulbs by bypassing the HID ballast unit.....the only issue I have with this, is how to fit them to the headlamp units, it doesn't seem possible. Then of course they cannot be adjusted so have to be set my an MOT garage before going for the SVA retest, hoping that they do not move around on the drive there !

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers guys....


It passed with a pair of Halogen bulbs bodged in anyway. Just had to bypass the Xenon Ballast unit and wire the halogens up to 12v...tricky to get them aligned though....


The xenons are now back in the lamps without the need for washer jets etc....and I've been told there is no reason they wont pass the MOT (when due) as the MOT test is nowhere near as anal as the ESVA.



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