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  soimafreak said:

I like the idea of trying a single bladed razor, but are they a lot of hassle to maintain, with the cut throats there's a lot of sharpening involved isn't there ? :/ I would like to get to shaving more than twice a week but most commercial razors are shocking Mach3 was good,, Fusion was like shaving with a rubber, i'm currently on a King of Shaves Azor razor which is nice but still not brill.



Try it. It's the shizzle!

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That's a slant, I haven't used one. I use a double edge. This one - http://www.traditionalshaving.co.uk/mal ... zor-Chrome



Daood says he doesn't like the adjustable ones though so it's each to their own. It's the only one I've used so can't compare it against any other safety razors on the market.



I find the single blade so much better than anything else I've ever used. It's so close and more comfortable I think. It's also quite luxurious and relaxing so shaving doesn't seem like a chore.

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Don't get a slant for your first time. They are more aggressive and need to be treated with care. You could be fine but if you cut yourself it might put you off.


Try a small handled one first you could get something bigger but just he careful.


I just find I shave usually when Ive woken up (half asleep) :lol: and I'm still ok so they are ok. Just knw the blades can slice through paper and you will be fine.


I just find too many variables and adjustability would never leave me happy. If I had the knowledge and time to experiment I might be ok but I found it like my dads old S class. The seat had so many adjustable bits that I was constantly tinkering but never comfortable because I kept changing it. I a normal car it's forward and back and that's fine :lol:


I know what you mean about the stands they are crazy money. The futur is a good looking razor though. You will love the feathers though they are smooth and sharp.

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Can anybody make a basic list of what I should be buying. I'm still lost in all this.


Don't want to spend crazy money but fed up paying £10 a pack of blades for the Quattro that last two shaves before they're blunt.


I think it's time for me to become a man and get a real razor :lol:

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  Neilp said:

Can anybody make a basic list of what I should be buying. I'm still lost in all this.


Don't want to spend crazy money but fed up paying £10 a pack of blades for the Quattro that last two shaves before they're blunt.


I think it's time for me to become a man and get a real razor :lol:


Or just let it grow.....



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been watching a few vids on this, seems that the DE razors are not as aggressive as the normal every day razors, but you have to do more passes as a result, does that sound about right ?


also loving the brush, so much quicker than squirting gel in your hands!


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There is other sites but this one is usually cheap.


A 38c or 38s or a 43c if you perfer a heavier razor. They are long handled ones http://connaughtshaving.com/merkur.html You can get short handled ones but I found that the heavier ones shave better and feel better but you have to be a tiny bit more careful plus your less likely to "out grow" them. The small ones are excellent for learning with though like the 33c. So thats £35 call it.


Then your blades I would start with Derby Extras, Treet platinums, Trigs, Treet durasharp carbon, gillete 7 oclocks and feathers. £20


Then some taylor of old bond steet cream in sandalwood :cloud9: £10-15 get a couple


A brush you can get from shaving shack spend at least £25 on the brush ideally £40+ for a great one though.


Then an alum block, brush holder, big ceramic cup for mixing the lather ( I got a massive coffee cup and ground the handle off it) and a piggy bank. I put all of my used blades in the piggy bank.


Im not really into serims and creams but if you are then maybe Stew can help. I use cold pressed coconut oil. Works great.


Also check this guy out http://www.youtube.com/user/mantic59?ob=4&feature=results_main

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  soimafreak said:

been watching a few vids on this, seems that the DE razors are not as aggressive as the normal every day razors, but you have to do more passes as a result, does that sound about right ?


also loving the brush, so much quicker than squirting gel in your hands!



Yes Modern blades cut and tug. So they tug the first hair and pulls it which the second blade tugs and cuts and then the 3rd and 4th do the same. This is why alot of people get shaving rash. Also does your fusion give you a much better shave than your sensor excel or mach3? Mine didnt.


with a DE you shave twice to get the same effect but these blades are much sharper and only cut, no tugging.


I would say lathering takes slightly longer than gel or cream but it does a much much better job. You need a badger but ideally a SUPER badger brush.


From worst/cheapest to best its


Pure badger

Best Badger

Super Badger

Mushroom,Mushroom! :lol:



The better brush's lather better, hold more and are made of a better quality of hair with less. Badgers hair naturally holds water hence why its used. Synthetic and Boar brush arent as good. The cheaper brushs also feel prickly or sharp where the better ones are smooth and soft.

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  Dblock said:
  soimafreak said:

been watching a few vids on this, seems that the DE razors are not as aggressive as the normal every day razors, but you have to do more passes as a result, does that sound about right ?


also loving the brush, so much quicker than squirting gel in your hands!



Yes Modern blades cut and tug. So they tug the first hair and pulls it which the second blade tugs and cuts and then the 3rd and 4th do the same. This is why alot of people get shaving rash. Also does your fusion give you a much better shave than your sensor excel or mach3? Mine didnt.


with a DE you shave twice to get the same effect but these blades are much sharper and only cut, no tugging.


I would say lathering takes slightly longer than gel or cream but it does a much much better job. You need a badger but ideally a SUPER badger brush.


From worst/cheapest to best its


Pure badger

Best Badger

Super Badger

Mushroom,Mushroom! :lol:



The better brush's lather better, hold more and are made of a better quality of hair with less. Badgers hair naturally holds water hence why its used. Synthetic and Boar brush arent as good. The cheaper brushs also feel prickly or sharp where the better ones are smooth and soft.


That's some good advice, cheers! I use to use a Mach3 but found shaving every day resulted in rashes and cuts, then switched to a King of shaves Azor which was better but still not ideal for shaving daily!


Quite tempted to give one of these a try to see if it helps, been a very interesting read this thread!

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Your getting that because of the tugging and pulling. Try shaving with a 2 bladed disposable and if its not getting close enough do 2 passes. You want to use as little blades as possible to get rid of the hair.


If its ingrown hair then rub a dry toothbrush on it twice a day. If its burn then your razor is going to close and you have sensitive skin. :thumbs:

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  • 2 months later...

thread revival, i know, but been looking at kit today,


have decided that i'm going to get bluebeards revenge shaving lather and after shave balm, but i'm trying to decide on a shavette.


BBR do one which is £9.99


but i've been eyeing up the Dovo which is £30


i know its the blades that make all the difference, but should i pay more for something like dovo, or as its a trial just go with the BBR and upgrade later if i like shavette shaving?



http://www.amazon.co.uk/Cut-Throat-Razo ... 95&sr=8-25


the BBR shavette

http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Bluebeards- ... 271&sr=8-1



http://www.amazon.co.uk/DOVO-Silver-Sha ... 306&sr=8-1

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  Cragus said:
  Neilp said:

Can anybody make a basic list of what I should be buying. I'm still lost in all this.


A brisk walk in the wind for you mate with those barren cheeks :lol::lol::lol:;)


Look who's talking - you're pure babycheeks :lol:

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  Vik54 said:
  Cragus said:
  Neilp said:

Can anybody make a basic list of what I should be buying. I'm still lost in all this.


A brisk walk in the wind for you mate with those barren cheeks :lol::lol::lol:;)


Look who's talking - you're pure babycheeks :lol:


No I have youthful looks. :lol: Don't make me grow a two day beard on you! I am so much of a man I could probably grow one in an hour if I really wanted. ;)

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I had a thought - instead of all stumbling around in the dark - why not ask your Dads (or even Grandads if they're still alive) for recommendations - surely they were the ones that taught you to shave? :thumbs:

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  Vik54 said:

I had a thought - instead of all stumbling around in the dark - why not ask your Dads (or even Grandads if they're still alive) for recommendations - surely they were the ones that taught you to shave? :thumbs:


self taught

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  Vik54 said:

I had a thought - instead of all stumbling around in the dark - why not ask your Dads (or even Grandads if they're still alive) for recommendations - surely they were the ones that taught you to shave? :thumbs:


Screw that - Grandad? They used water and a rusty spoon - that was the mach 3 in their day.

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  rtbiscuit said:

thread revival, i know, but been looking at kit today,


have decided that i'm going to get bluebeards revenge shaving lather and after shave balm, but i'm trying to decide on a shavette.


BBR do one which is £9.99


but i've been eyeing up the Dovo which is £30


i know its the blades that make all the difference, but should i pay more for something like dovo, or as its a trial just go with the BBR and upgrade later if i like shavette shaving?



http://www.amazon.co.uk/Cut-Throat-Razo ... 95&sr=8-25


the BBR shavette

http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Bluebeards- ... 271&sr=8-1



http://www.amazon.co.uk/DOVO-Silver-Sha ... 306&sr=8-1


Have you used a cut throat before? I'd personally start with a slant and work your way up so you get a better understanding. IMO the cut throat offers no real advantage of shaving unless you like stretching your skin constantly or want the closest and harshest shave possible. :thumbs:

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  rtbiscuit said:

i like the idea of a cut thoat :blush:


Youtube some vids on it, it seems a faff to me personally but if it appeals to you check out shaving shack for some prices and the badger and blade forum to see whats good and whats not. The good thing is expensive isnt always better.

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