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Not good at all


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Was travelling along the M8 and heading down the clyde tunnel slip road on Friday afternoon and lorry in front of me shed two large metal sheets into the air, and one came crashing down on me. Was like slow motion when it happened but it's only afterwards that I think how lucky that I was that 1. It was only the windscreen and 2. I never got killed...




Worst of all was that the bampot just kept on driving and still to get a single phone call from the police with even an incident number. I have been out myself and found a traffic camera which would have picked up his numberplate so need to get in contact with the officers to make sure it's being followed up because they probably won't bother their ass.

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I watched as the two sheets flew about 20-30 feet in the air like kites, was just about to hit the brake and thought I had a chance so I dropped into 2nd and gunned it. Slightly slower or slightly faster and it was right down on the bonnet or the roof....what a bill it would have been hitting the roof, as it would have punctured it no problem, might even have caught it in my napper.

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  SwanageDave said:

As everyone says you are ok and not hurt, But Find the barsteward and rip his lungs out :boxing::thumbs: , he should have secured his load and its his bloody fault.


A lady copper in standard car was travelling alongside me, you can see her car just at left hand side of photo. She was on the m8 and I was going down the sliproad or she said she would have chased after him.


When I pulled in I was flashing my lights and honking my horn but he kept going. To be fair unless he was looking in his side mirror he wouldn't have known.


I thought for a split second of chasing after him as you come up to a roundabout, but I actually thought the metal was sticking out my window like a bit sail so didn't want to risk it. If I knew it had went over the car I would have boosted after him. As I was stopping a silver Vectra went to pull in to help but I waved them on to go catch the van and they sped off after him but never came back even though I was there for over 2 hours when the traffic cops came as they needed to get an ambulance etc to check me out.


New windscreen got fitted on Saturday but as much as it's been hoovered there are shards of glass everywhere....

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Good job you are OK and seems like you saved your car from even worse damage. :thumbs:


I do hope the culprit gets caught - having a insecure load is only one step away from when idiots throw things off bridges onto passing cars :scare:

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