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To buy or not to buy 350z?

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Hi there folks!


I have been looking for a new car for a bit and the 350z is the one that has caught my eye.


I have around £5500 to spend, could I expect to get one for around this price? I love the nismo bodykit and spoiler but I doubt i could get this for that?


Are the imports to be avoided?


Unfortunately i live in Angus Scotland and there are very few for sale within 100miles :(


Many thanks

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Before you rush out and buy, seriously consider the costs involved in running one. At £5500 you`ll be looking at the very bottom of the market. Maybe one of the first 2003 cars, maybe even an import, or a high mileage UK car.


Because these are now more affordable to buy, doesnt mean cheap running. Insurance, tax, 25mpg on the fuel, tyres, services... all add up.


Imports arent strictly to be avoided. Out of the zeds i see on the road, id say 50% of the ones i see are imported ones. But, be aware that the specs for imports were different to UK ones, so you can get some different trim options.

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Quite a few posts recently about this, a quick scroll through the 'view new posts' section should turn up a few similar threads.


Also buyers guide and more info here: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=23843


Basically for £5500 you'll be looking at a low spec import with reasonable mileage, or possibly a non-GT pack UK car with galactic mileage. You basically won't find a factory Nismo car in your budget.



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Hi mate. Where abouts in Angus?


I personally think aslong as your not to fussy with miles you can get a great early car. It's a buyers market and a lot of people are desperate to sell with the highish running costs. So you can bag yourself a bargain.


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Many thanks folks, im not sure if its worth saving another couple of months and aiming for one around the £7000 mark?


I think the 350 looks awesome with the nismo spoiler. Is it difficult to pick these up?


Im in Montrose, anyone near by?

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  SirAndyCapp said:

im not sure if its worth saving another couple of months and aiming for one around the £7000 mark?


I would save a bit more if I was you, unless you desperately need a car right now :thumbs:


Genuine Nismo wings are hard to get hold of but there are some good copies available from traders on here.


:welcome: btw!

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If you want a bargain performance car I can't see a problem with the lower cost end of the price range, as other have said (and I'm sure you are aware) they will either be imports, high mile and /or low spec uk cars. The other option is cat D's which are a different story, some don't mind them.

At £5.5k I'd imagine the value won't go down by a massive amount over the next couple of years, maybe a grand or so?


There are members on here with high mile cars (some over 100K) which are going very strong and are in great condition.


Just be aware that older cars will need bits replacing soon, and 350Z's do between 20-30mpg dependent on how much lead is in your feet :thumbs:

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got mine for just over £5.5K 6 months ago, spent maybe another £1K on brakes and tyres and servicing but all up to date now. 2003 Import / 65K miles but full UK GT spec. Don't see why imports are less valued with these if they have the same spec as UK but never mind!


doubt you'd get the Nismo kit etc for that price but is a buyers market so worth holding out a bit if you're not desperate!

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Thanks for the advice folks,


I am in no hurry to buy one however the more i look the more i want one :)


I did own an Rx8 for a year so high running costs is something i became used to, would i expect fuel consumtion to be similar? I had the 231bhp Rx8.


I came across this on ebay with i really liked, is the owner a member here?


http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Nissan-350Z-2 ... 2ebddac7fe

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Montrose? You don't happen to know Duncan Taylor do you? Owns a 200SX S14 and runs with SXOC?



Save up. Look about. You'll know when you find the right zed mate :thumbs:


The car you're looking at on ebay belongs to matty316 on here, lives in the same town as me :p

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  SirAndyCapp said:

Thanks for the advice folks,


I am in no hurry to buy one however the more i look the more i want one :)


I did own an Rx8 for a year so high running costs is something i became used to, would i expect fuel consumtion to be similar? I had the 231bhp Rx8.


I came across this on ebay with i really liked, is the owner a member here?


http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Nissan-350Z-2 ... 2ebddac7fe


Thats a members car. Think his username begins with Matt..........................

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  SirAndyCapp said:

Thanks for the advice folks,


I am in no hurry to buy one however the more i look the more i want one :)


I did own an Rx8 for a year so high running costs is something i became used to, would i expect fuel consumtion to be similar? I had the 231bhp Rx8.


I came across this on ebay with i really liked, is the owner a member here?


http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Nissan-350Z-2 ... 2ebddac7fe



Yeah that's my car mate, if you need anymore details just ask.


Cheers, Matty

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Welcome :) I've been looking for a Z also mate and im at same price range and want same sort of spec haha I'm putting it on the bank burner for the moment but this is the best I've seen in my price range but guessing it'll climb before the end of the day but you never know so get bidding :) Good luck in your hunt ;)

http://item.mobileweb.ebay.co.uk/viewit ... 8180627585

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Hi & :welcome: to the forum. Keep looking in case one you like comes up in your price range but save a bit more in the meantime. Will give you more options on spec. & mileage. Neighbour of mine got an import ragtop with 61000 miles for 6k so they are out there.

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Cheers Matty, I do have a few questions, would i be best to message you on here or ebay?


JT - i dont think i know a Duncan Taylor, which is strange as Montrose is quite a small place.


Dblock - good to find other local folk on here :)

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