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Aw, roadster roof is leaking


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As a Lady Who Lunches, I have just done what I am really good at and driven out for lunch in my Zed but what I feared happening after all this rain has come true and my roof is leaking :thumbdown: I improvised by shoving tissues inside the window but I still arrived at the restaurant looking as though a hamster had wee'd on the arm of my jacket. My car port is still roofless with no prospect of the work being completed as the rain is torrential ... again :angry: I need to get this sorted but the bl**dy rain needs to stop first. Getting really fed up with it now and wish I lived in a house with a nice, dry garage.

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It seems to be coming from the top of the window, quite far forward. I stuck a few tissues in and that one was soaking wet when I took them out before opening the door. I did the same on the way home and, again, that front tissue was sodden. I thought at first it was just because I'd opened the door to get in and let some rain in but it kept dripping as I drove along. It was a bit hard to look at the window and drive, of course, so I couldn't really see where the drips were coming from but they all landed on my arm near my wrist. I am worried that the water will get into the switches on the door. I've got a cover but I can't put that on until the car is clean and it's filthy at present.

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Hmmm... only problem ive found in the rain is water seems to rest around the seals, so when you open the door you get loads of water dripping in on the side of the seat as well as on the front of the inside of the door near the wing mirror. Its all fine until you open the door.

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Hmmm... only problem ive found in the rain is water seems to rest around the seals, so when you open the door you get loads of water dripping in on the side of the seat as well as on the front of the inside of the door near the wing mirror. Its all fine until you open the door.


That happens on my coupe as well though, lol.


twobears: for once they're being serious :thumbs: , vaseline or baby oil will plump up the rubber, and WD40 works pretty well too (apply with cloth, do not spray)



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You aren't teasing me are you with Vaseline and baby oil? If it's true, I will go and buy some and try it but I know how you all like to pull my leg :blush:


Not at all, the any type of lube will do :thumbs:


I treat my seals with gummipfledge




+1 ^^^^^^ that's the same stuff I use. :thumbs:

Better for a car used by a lady, as no oil,WD40 etc. to get out of clothes if they happen to touch the rubber. (two women in our house,that's why I use gummmyyyyy)


Edit. The window can also be adjusted,it's in the guides somewhere.

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I feel your pain I had exactly the same issue. Sounds like its in exactly the same place as My leak.


If you look outside the car where the roof merges with the windscreen you can see a little rubber run off each side of the hood. The water comes down here and should filter down the windscreen. However I found the water actually flowed along the top of the window then up under a gap because of a poorly fitted seal.


As a result water dripped in along the top of the door.


Quick fixes:

1)lube up the seals

2) adjust the window to tighten the gap between the window and seal

3) none of the above worked for me so i complained to the garage I bought it from. This wasn't. Oversee by the warranty but as a good will jesture they replaced all the seals. This fixed my problem.


However option 3 is very and I mean very expensive. It's crazy how much those seals cost. Zmanalex may bE able to help


Hope you get it sorted. A leaking roadster really spoils the experience.



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It seems to be coming from the top of the window, quite far forward.



That seems to be the weak spot. Caroline's roadster also has a slight leak from there, I reseated all of the seals but water is still coming in , although it's just the odd drop now. I'm going to try the vaseline trick...when it stops raining :)




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Oi, you filthy minded lot :thumbdown: I wanted the Gummi Pfledge stuff (apologies if I've misspelt that one) but I couldn't find it anywhere so I have bought some baby oil instead. It's not actually raining now - shock horror - so I will go out and paint a bit on the seals and see what happens in the next downpour. Don't suppose I'll have to wait long :(

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