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mac advice needed again


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I managed finally to reboot my mac in safe mode and, fingers crossed, it is working ok-ish at the moment. It still needs the hard disk drive swapping out but I can't do that myself. I am pretty sure that the HDD is corrupted, although I've no idea why but I have also noticed that the machine seems very hot and the fan is coming on more than normal. Has anyone experienced this problem before? Fan isn't actually on at the moment but there is more noise than usual and I am mystified as I am not a techie and I don't like it when things go wrong :thumbdown:

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Aaaargh, you've noticed that they are out to get me too! Paranoid, moi? I think not :lol:


Seriously, the fan is on all the time and it isn't normally. It's getting really hot too (hence the fan working overtime I guess) which is ok in one way because I don't have to switch the heating on ...

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without knowing to much about age and previous problems and that. if its running hot a good start place is to open all available openings on the macbook/laptop (vents, slots, Drives, covers etc) and run a the hoover hose over them all this will suck any dust from the internals and off any components that may cause it to run hot. may not fix your problem but should do this once a year to laptops and games consoles anyway.

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As above ^^, there is a known fault with certain Macbooks that can overheat, when they overheat they can damage the mother board or the video card. Make sure you don't operate it on a cushion or the bed or anywhere else for long periods of time where there is limited air circulation. There was a warranty recall but I can't remember for which model. Do a google for your model and overheating/video card issues, it's also well documented on the Apple Support site. Hope this helps. Good luck with it :):thumbs:

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It's not a laptop or macbook it's a, a, a ... I don't know a desktop maybe? It's on my desk anyway and too big to carry around with me and it has a separate keyboard. See, I told you I wasn't technical :blush:


I've hoovered it all over but I don't dare switch it off in case it doesn't come back on properly. I think the DVD drive (if that's the correct term?) is on the blink too as it doesn't seem to open things properly. I think a spare one of those has arrived for fitting too. I just want it to keep working until someone cleverer than me can fix it properly or buy me a new one if all else fails.

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Sorry, teach me not to read things properly!!


It still might be worth googling or looking on the Apple site, to find out your model click on the apple top left of your screen, click about this mac, click more info and it'll tell you exactly what model you have :)

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Thank you for that Girnet :) I now now know that it is a 20" iMac, mid 2007, which I wouldn't have known without your help. Hmm, it's pretty old then. I've tried looking up known problems and it seems that some others are having the same things happening to theirs but it all quickly descends into a load of geeks arguing with each other as is normally the way with techie forums I believe? Sorry if anyone here is a full paid-up geek, I'm not having a go ;)


I think I will just rely on keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't conk out again and get used to the noise of the fan on constantly. Might have to switch it off before I go to bed in case it burns the house down overnight though :thumbdown:

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You're welcome, sorry I can't be more helpful :shrug:


Thank you for that Girnet :) I now now know that it is a 20" iMac, mid 2007, which I wouldn't have known without your help. Hmm, it's pretty old then. I've tried looking up known problems and it seems that some others are having the same things happening to theirs but it all quickly descends into a load of geeks arguing with each other as is normally the way with techie forums I believe? Sorry if anyone here is a full paid-up geek, I'm not having a go ;)


I think I will just rely on keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't conk out again and get used to the noise of the fan on constantly. Might have to switch it off before I go to bed in case it burns the house down overnight though :thumbdown:

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At the risk of making a fool of myself I think that the time machine thingy backs it up automatically doesn't it? I've got what I believe to be an external hard drive sitting under the desk so I have always assumed that I have copies of everything stored on that? I stand ready to be corrected by wiser folk though :blush:


I've not done any real work on my website since the machine started to go wonky (to use the technical term) and I think anything that I have done will be stored on the server? Surely, I must have that bit right? :blush::headhurt:

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