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ebay scams


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my gf put a brand new mobile phone on ebay with a realistic selling price of around £130 :) ...... in the last few moments of the auction the bid went from £112 to £352 in 2 bids :wacko: ........ this must be a scam but i cant see how the scammer benefits from this......... can paypal payments be retracted if ebay find out an account has been fraudulant.


for ebay to cotton on to fradulant activity takes a few days ild imagine but in which time the goods have been sent due to the seller beliveing and seeing the payment in the paypal account............... is this how it works... :)

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Hi mate I had this done to me with my Nokia phone, its a Nigerian scam, delete bids immediatly. They bidded on my phone for 650 quid was not worth 200, They then asked if I would send phone to Nigeria, as it is for their partner. They slowly get information from you, I.e Your full name and address through asking several questions via email and phone. they will say they will send you a cheque as proof they want to buy and will ask for your address. They will send you cheque but cheque will bounce. then they say they will do a bank transfer to save complication and ask for your sort code and account number which is harmless as appears on all your cheques, but then bingo... they have now enough information to withdraw large somes of crash from your bank. All they need is your full name billed address, bank details, and somehow the bastards can rip you off alot.


I learnt from this and did what one clever guy did and asked for pictures of them holding up signs to you. I got someone to send a picture holding up a card which I told them was a greek word for honest which was ****. and guess what the stupid idiot did it, does not solve the sale, but is bloody hilarious at their expense :yahoo:


Delete them and put at the bottom off your ad: not racist but please no Nigerian scam artists, your bids will not be tolerated. It will act as a deterant. ;)

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nice one lomoto.............. looks like she will have to relist :angry: ................ due to these f**kn w****rs...........


the bidder has an address from nottingham........... also zedrush i dont get wot you mean by holding signs and photos............. :wacko:

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nice one lomoto.............. looks like she will have to relist :angry: ................ due to these f**kn w****rs...........


the bidder has an address from nottingham........... also zedrush i dont get wot you mean by holding signs and photos............. :wacko:


Hi mate


okay all is explained at this link check out the pictures:




well funny :D

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well these guys seem to be doing it alot on ebay so they should be stopped.............. :angry: ......... at the end of the day she just wants to sell a legit phone....... :dry:


on your buyer requirements , you can block overseas bidders ..this will stop it :thumbs:


No it wont. They will register with a UK address & then request the phone be sent to thier son/daughter in Nigeria.


I sold a phone last week at the third time of trying. If the auction completes, email ebay with the details and tell them its a scam Ebay will refund your money & ban the user. Make sure you let Ebay know by email BEFORE you file a dispute because some of them will answer the dispute that they have paid/planning to pay & you dont get your listing fees back.


This is happening too much on ebay, its happened the last 4/5 times ive sold phones on there :thumbdown:

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happened to me twice, once with a moped and once with a mobile phone - auction was doing really well and then ruined at the last minute with ridiculous high bids. If I sell anything now I insist on feedback of at least 5 or I will delete the bid and also put a bit at the bottom like mentioned earlier.

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