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Your taking the P***s


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  ATTAK Z said:

It could be stolen and abandoned could it not ? .... Why not ring the Police ?


I would have called them even if i knew who it was then they could give them a lecture on wasting police time.... trouble is would they even bother coming out? You could say that an elderly relative or child needs to go to A&E or something i guess.... You could always just tape a sign saying 'thanks for parking like a *****' with REALLY sticky tape, but then you would probably get done for damaging his car :wacko:

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  ATTAK Z said:
  Will370z said:
  Neilp said:
  Will370z said:

I agree with zugara and id go park and block him in if you can. Idiot.

I see one potential issue with this idea. Chris's car is probably in his drive .....


I agree that could cause a slight issue :lol:

Yea but that's his van outside the entrance

nope thats a neighbours van, chris is in IT not a/c lol :lol:

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Chaps, I know it is annoying but it's really worth taking a deep breath and holding back the anger all on this. You wouldn't want to end up in the situation where that chaps father in Waterlooville is where two thugs regularly hop over the wall and vandalise property. I could easily see some form of knee jerk reaction over this inconsiderate parking could turn into a lengthy war of retaliations when it could be avoided.


If you don't know who parked there, just go knocking on doors and ask politely or honk your horn until someone comes out.


Everyone gets worked up so quickly and heavily these days. Have a cadbury's caramel or some chill pills folks. Life's too short.

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Agreeed :thumbs:


So, Just set fire to the bloody thing and walk away :lol:


  scubapics said:

Chaps, I know it is annoying but it's really worth taking a deep breath and holding back the anger all on this. You wouldn't want to end up in the situation where that chaps father in Waterlooville is where two thugs regularly hop over the wall and vandalise property. I could easily see some form of knee jerk reaction over this inconsiderate parking could turn into a lengthy war of retaliations when it could be avoided.


If you don't know who parked there, just go knocking on doors and ask politely or honk your horn until someone comes out.


Everyone gets worked up so quickly and heavily these days. Have a cadbury's caramel or some chill pills folks. Life's too short.

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I reckon that could be moved without breaking any laws..


Total idiot for parking like that, what if you needed to make an urgent trip to hospital or asda etc?


Cops could only ticket or uplift if it was blocking a public road (or your access to the road) off the top of my head.

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  glrnet said:

Has it gone yet, what happened :shrug:



I knocked on the neighbours door and asked if it was anything to do with them,


It was the nurse visiting my neighbours elderly father, she (the nurse) couldn't apologise enough :lol:


It was her first time here she thought she was visiting my house ( I only look like I need care 'cause Bob is my mate!) anyway she ran out and moved it straight away - no real problem.

It's very annoying though it's not that I wanted to go out at that exact moment it's the fact that I couldn't if I did. If you know what I mean!?


All sorted and no blood was spilled :thumbs:

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This ;)


  Keyser said:
  glrnet said:

Has it gone yet, what happened :shrug:



I knocked on the neighbours door and asked if it was anything to do with them,


It was the nurse visiting my neighbours elderly father, she (the nurse) couldn't apologise enough :lol:


It was her first time here she thought she was visiting my house ( I only look like I need care 'cause Bob is my mate!) anyway she ran out and moved it straight away - no real problem.

It's very annoying though it's not that I wanted to go out at that exact moment it's the fact that I couldn't if I did. If you know what I mean!?


All sorted and no blood was spilled :thumbs:

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