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A happy and sad tale....


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Well folks, I have completed my final day at the hands of the company bully...haaaa, relax. :yahoo:


That was the happy bit... :thumbs:


Now the sad bit....


Last Wednesday I made an appointment to go and have a chat with my new boss. We sat down, discussed my new office layout, he asked what type of computer I wanted, PC or Mac, laptop or desktop, told me my new phone number, introduced me to my secretary. So all in all a great meeting.


Well on Tuesday this week I get a phone call from the MD in Aberdeen. He asked if everything is OK, when was I due to start etc, then, he dropped the bombshell.

Some bad news for you Paul, by this time I am thinking, holy crap, they don't want me now...my head all in an instant was thinking, can I get my old job back, the mortgage,the house etc.

So, gingerly I asked, Oh, what is the bad news?

Well John, who was the chap I saw last Wednesday, dropped down dead on Sunday with a massive heart attack.

Holy @*!#.......WTF.......my heads really going now, what if, how come,why, my new job, @*!# @*!#.

I was and still am stunned...The MD, says, show up as planned next week and I will be there to settle you in, but.....your job may need to change following the sudden death.


The irony of this story is this. Whilst talking with John, he leaned forward and said, between me and you I won't be here much longer, I am going to retire earlier than planned.

RIP John Surrey.

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