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mac problem - any experts in tonight?


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There seems to be something wrong with my mac :( A few times today when I've tried to open a photo stored on my desktop the screen has frozen and I have had to re-start. Last time it happened it wouldn't re-start for ages. It just kept giving me a light grey screen with a sort of folder symbol (?) and a question mark. I am sure that it is something to do with opening the photos so I am only going to use ones from Dropbox tomorrow to see if that gives the same result or not. Has anyone got any ideas what the problem might be, bearing in mind that I am not a techie?

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Need more info please, mac what? Operating system? Any other issues?


I would suspect a RAM issue, but need the info, desktop,laptop etc etc.


Pm me the details. :thumbs:


she can't - its broke :lol::lol:


typical macs :p

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Try this first



Your computer is having trouble locating your os x installation.


I'd boot in Safe Mode, so a repair and try to restart:


1. Restart, hold command + s till the black screen with white text shows up

2. type this EXACTLY without the quotes: "fsck -f" and wait for process to complete. You'll see the cursor jump down to a new line when complete.

3. type this EXACTLY without the quotes: "reboot"


If this doesn't work, you'll need to boot up on your os x system install disk 1 but DON'T REINSTALL OS X. Go to File/Disk Utility and "Repair Disk".

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Thanks Zugara and DaveJ. Will try to find out more about that Trojan as can't even start up in safe mode since mac has gone to sleep completely and can't be roused at present :( Got several other ways to get on internet, obviously, or I wouldn't be on here but I like to use the mac to work on my website.

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My mac did the same thing, a succession of crashes then a dead boot, you will find if you try to reinstall there is no hard drive listed. It might not necessarily be the hard drive though, when I got mine looked at it was simply the connector from the drive to the mac so they just replaced that and bingo all was well in the world once more and all my stuff was sitting on the drive happily waiting for me.

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Hm, I really am clueless but I've got new hard drive and another 'bit' waiting in my study. Maybe it's a connector? Who knows? Fed up now as I'd corrected an essay this morning when it worked, briefly, didn't have the foresight to store in Dropbox and now can't access it :angry:

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