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May I get all 'psychological' again please?


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I'll take that as a yes :p


Given my interest in gender differences, and no, I don't mean physical ones :blush: I was wondering if the men of this parish would ever consider using a general internet forum to air any mental health problems from which they were or suspected they were, suffering? I haven't seen any examples of this and I think I already know the answer but I am a new member here so there will be plenty of history that I've missed.


The reason that I ask this particular question is because, on the other predominantly female board that I frequent, some posters spend hours a week dissecting what they refer to as their 'mental health issues'. Now, I am not belittling mental illness. I have a fairly sunny disposition myself and have never suffered from depression but I do realise that it is a horrible condition. However, I am not convinced that all the women of whom I speak actually suffer from depression in a clinical sense but rather that they like to have a 'syndrome' of some sort.


If I am truthful their posts get on my nerves as there often seems to be a fairly simple and incredibly obvious solution to their so-called problems but if they actually took some action solved their problems I guess they would no longer have anything to whinge about.


I wonder if I am being unfair on them or if, as I suspect, most men wouldn't air these sort of 'problems' in public, maybe I am just a man trapped in a woman's body :wacko::lol:


p.s. sorry for the huge essay. I bet no-one replies and I end up feeling like I've got a syndrome, Billy No-Mates syndrome perhaps!!


p.p.s. I've got to say that I have never heard any self-pitying posts from the women on this board either so not tarring us all with the same brush. Right I think I've finished going on now :blush:

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Guys usually ask a mate...... Most guys who are sexually confident and gender confident will talk to each other about stuff quite openly.



I remember a not so recent one on piston heads with a guy looking for sex advice or something of the sort and threads erupted into one of the most funny threads I have ever read.


Women just like a moan :lol:

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I believe we are living in an age where it just has to be somebody or somethings fault.


Trip or fall anywhere? It can't possibly be that you weren't looking where you were going. It has to be someones fault.


Child misbehaving and running wild? Can't possibly be that they have been given no moral compass by their parents, it has to be some sort of disorder.


I think it's almost becoming fashionable to have some sort of ailment or condition.


I have seen real clinical depression, and it's a country mile away from half the people who claim to have depression.

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Interesting question. I think you've got a point about people who like to think (for some reason) that they have some sort of syndrome, because I know a surprising number of people with genuine mental illnesses of varying severity, and none of them go around shouting it from the rooftops. Indeed it took me a year to find out that one friend was permanently on medication for severe bi-polar disorder.


I guess it's easy on a forum to go on about all your problems to people who've never actually met you, because they have only your word to go on and can't dispute what you're saying. In real life you'd come across as a proper berk if you went around telling everyone how mental you were if you were clearly totally normal and just after a bit of attention. I think others have a good point about the need to always blame something; my life isn't as good as I want it to be therefore something has to be wrong with me, and once it's fixed everything will be fine.


With regards to blokes vs women discussing problems, my experience is that contrary to popular belief blokes DO get their worries off their chest, but only to a few properly close mates who they can trust. Women seem to be a bit more liberal with the intimate details of thier life, although why that would be i have no idea. :shrug:



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:yawn: Not you again...... :headhurt::lol:



^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Grumpy bugger syndrome! Coupled with 'have to click on this even though I know I will complain about it being a waste of time' syndrome....... :stir:





To be honest I'm generally a happy person (apart from the odd sulk) and tend just to get on with things. :)


I believe there are two answers to the question 'How are you?' the first is 'fine.' and the second is 'sh*te. Thanks for asking.' No more details required! :thumbs:

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"I think the women you are referring to, have what is called WBS - Whiney Bitch Sydrome". Cragus, I'd love to see what happened if you posted that statement on the board in question. I just got a load of whiny bitches coming after me in a pack because I said something similar :blackeye:


Chesterfield, I agree with every word you say, especially "I think it's almost becoming fashionable to have some sort of ailment or condition". Why on earth anyone would want to claim a condition or syndrome, any condition or syndrome, just to gain themselves attention is totally beyond me.


Zugara, yep, I just won't go away will I? Admit it, you love me really. Dontcha? :lol:


DannyBoy , again I completely agree that most people who are genuinely suffering from a mental health problems don't go shouting about it. I know one chap on anti-depressants but he hasn't even told his family or employers. I only found out because I saw his pills by accident. Oops! As far as women discussing their intimate details, even or especially with strangers, flummoxes me as I would never do it. The case is building for me being a man isn't it? Husband always accuses me of being a geek which is a bit rich since he is the uber-geek to end all uber-geeks.


Sorry for wasting your time Stew but I do agree with this, "I believe there are two answers to the question 'How are you?' the first is 'fine.' and the second is 'sh*te. Thanks for asking.' No more details required! "

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Sorry for wasting your time Stew but I do agree with this, "I believe there are two answers to the question 'How are you?' the first is 'fine.' and the second is 'sh*te. Thanks for asking.' No more details required! "


Didn't waste my time, I was referring to Zugura!

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According to a large number of members on here I "have a problem"




:lol::lol::lol::lol: Your mental Chris!


This is epic. :thumbs:





I seem to get a lot of those type of comments but I'm happy to discuss my "problems" :)



I get depressed when I find out how much the next part I want for the Zed is going to cost!

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According to a large number of members on here I "have a problem"




:lol::lol::lol::lol: Your mental Chris!


This is epic. :thumbs:





I seem to get a lot of those type of comments but I'm happy to discuss my "problems" :)


Your only as mental as the Zed you feel :thumbs:



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According to a large number of members on here I "have a problem"




:lol::lol::lol::lol: Your mental Chris!


This is epic. :thumbs:





I seem to get a lot of those type of comments but I'm happy to discuss my "problems" :)


Your only as mental as the Zed you feel :thumbs:





I've has it then !!!! :surrender::headhurt::scare::yahoo:

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I've been deemed 10% mentally disabled, this was due to something really, really bad that happened a number of years ago, it was deemed that I had to go through a process of "assessment" by a "qualified" person and that's what they came up with :shrug:


I've no idea whether I'm more or less mentally disabled now or not, or just the same :wacko:


I have no problem talking about it on a face to face basis with any gender or anyone really, quite happy to :) I don't carry a card or anything that I flash when I do something daft or say something mental, but I can always claim it B)


Airing this little known fact on here poses no problem for me, as, like marmite, you can take to me or not, wish me well or grief, or just ignore me in the hope I'll go away.


What I will say though, and this depends on circumstances, because we're all different, but talking about any issues you have is a useful tool for dealing and coping with prejudice that may come your way due to your "affliction".


Life's too short not to be a bit mental, but to be officially mental to some degree is like having an UpRev for a human :lol:


Off for a paraffin and gravel scrub now :wave:

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The G Man, I'm not sure what 'mentally disabled' actually means or how you can classify it to various degrees? Sounds a bit odd to me.


I am sure that you are right when you say that talking can help, after all Sigmund Freud pioneered the 'talking cure' all those years ago and who am I to argue with him? Well, except the bit where he thinks I want a penis. I really don't :thumbdown: Isn't it the case though that talking to the right person is what leads to the greatest therapeutic success? It's quite right that you challenge prejudice by discussing your mental health issues openly but wouldn't you get more help by talking to someone trained if you wanted to overcome your issues? That's the bit I can't understand on the other board. If these women, one of whom is currently busy calling me 'a knob' to use her own words, really wanted to ameliorate their condition then surely they would seek professional input rather than just whining on endlessly on a public forum?

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I daren't tell you. You'd be running back in here screaming for sanctuary within seconds. "Depressed" women are a pretty fearsome bunch I'll have you know :thumbdown:


p.s. please note I am not taking the mickey out of people with genuine problems, just the moaning minnies who seem to think that their lives are so much worse than anyone else's despite many people coping bravely with a whole range of genuine and horrible problems. In fact, that's my main issue with the whiners, they assume that everyone else leads a charmed life when we all know that life can be pretty sh!tty for all of us at times.


I'm not going to tell them because it's too dangerous and I can't risk them being emotionally scarred :lol:

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I think we all have issues at certain points in our lives, and the circumstances that surround us at that particular time obviously bring out certain feelings or conditions. I also believe that some people are quick to jump on the bandwagon and make money out of our issues!


During my recent separation from my wife (not the first time this has happened) I agreed to go to counselling as I was desperate for us to stay together (she wasn't, but thats a different story).

The counsellor, after 6 sessions @ £80 a time decided I was a sex addict, based on the fact that I thought once a week wasn't enough, and that I wasn't happy with my wife meeting a 'FRIEND' for drinks etc....... Needless to say the cousellor was a woman!


On leaving that session she commented ' I don't think you'll stay together while you are that over demanding in the bedroom department, or so jealose over your wife going out with this other man'!!


At that point I started wondering who had mental health problems..... her for being so blatently weird and an obvious man hater, my wife for imagining any other man could be better than me, or me for paying £480 over to be told all that crap!!!!!!!!!!!



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Builder49, not surprised you felt ripped off by that sort of 'counselling' :thumbdown: There again I don't actually believe in marriage guidance counselling, as it used to be called. In my experience, once one or other partner has decided that they are no longer in love the relationship is doomed. I am a great one for leaving relationships that aren't working but my track record freaks my husband out as he's convinced that one false move and I'll be off. Keeps him on his toes though :lol:

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