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Daughter has scraped car - cleaning advice needed!


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Daughter has learnt to drive and is generally very good but someone boxed her in in a very tight car park yesterday and she's scraped the car against a bollard. Doesn't look very scratched but car has red and yellow paint stripes on it from bollard and it's a pale metallic blue car. Any advice on how to best clean it off? Thank you :)

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Thanks Dave. It looked like raised marks yesterday afternoon in the pouring rain. Didn't want to stand outside for too long to be honest and daughter was so upset by what she'd done that she was in tears which just added to the general wateriness of the day :headhurt:

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As Stew said. ^^^^

But with it being a bollard you could be lucky.(house paint sort of stuff)

Give it a wash, then with a tissue wipe it with white spirit or turpentine/substitute.

Wipe then rince,wipe then rince a few times.

If that gets rid of most of it then give it a polish.


Sit back and feel good or sit back and feel :angry:

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