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Do private jets get you there slower?


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Sorry if this is a silly question but my husband has to go to Germany at the weekend and the people he's seeing are sending a private jet. Since he's not normally a member of the international jet set I was wondering if it would take him longer to get there on a non commercial flight? I'm trying to plan the weekend and the commercial flights take 3 hours but not got any info through yet about the other flight. Any ideas?


Most private jets will be faster than commercial aircraft.

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Thanks everyone for the input. Husband's in London at the moment so I can't talk to him to find out what's happening :( The plans seem to change on an almost hourly basis at the moment as something big is being sorted out business-wise. I will go to Germany if one of the other wives goes too but, otherwise, I'll leave the boys to it.

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Wasso, that's very sweet of you but, being a lady, I've never actually told any of you how old I am or whether I resemble not so much the back end of a Zed but a bus! Maybe the single lads would prefer to stay in on Saturday night :lol:



I'm free :lol::lol::lol:


(thats to please our Building inspector friend who seems to think im after anything in a skirt!!!,,, Not you SMD)



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I will go to Germany if one of the other wives goes too but, otherwise, I'll leave the boys to it.

You should go, irrespective of whether the other guys wives go or not. I'm sure you'll find things to do.

What do they say, make the most of every opportunity. ;)

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