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Do private jets get you there slower?


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Sorry if this is a silly question but my husband has to go to Germany at the weekend and the people he's seeing are sending a private jet. Since he's not normally a member of the international jet set I was wondering if it would take him longer to get there on a non commercial flight? I'm trying to plan the weekend and the commercial flights take 3 hours but not got any info through yet about the other flight. Any ideas?

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That's what I figured. No idea how big jet will be? Suppose they come in at least small, medium and large :blush: it's going to spoil whole weekend I think and we were supposed to be going to a party so I'll have to go on my own :(

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I'd say about the same. The plane may well fly slower (it may not) but depending on where he's flying from he will save a load of time by not having massive wait at checkin, passport control, luggage etc. On a private jet (at a smaller airfield/airport) you'll just rock up and jump straight on. So door to door, its likely to be quicker for him I would say.


I assume you know where he is flying from, is it a big airport or smaller one?


EDIT: Just googled it and a Learjet cruises somewhere around 500MPH and a Boeing at about 550MPH. So not a huge difference, enough that a quicker pass through the airport could make the smaller jet quicker.

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They said they'd send it to Leeds Bradford as he needs to be in Leeds on Monday. He's been on lots of little private planes before to get down south etc and its much better to just get in board without any hassle he says. That's the main reason I hate flying as the hanging around is so tedious.

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I'd say the private way of travelling will be quicker, its quicker for sure.



Hey, if you're lonesome for a party I'm sure one of the single lads will be happy to escort you to your party etc :#1: At least you'll have some Zed conversation.

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Wasso, that's very sweet of you but, being a lady, I've never actually told any of you how old I am or whether I resemble not so much the back end of a Zed but a bus! Maybe the single lads would prefer to stay in on Saturday night :lol:

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The private jet would be quicker. Normally these take off and land from small airfields and the customs part of things is much quicker. For example, when I go to Edinburgh, I am usually faced with a 1hr drive to the airport, hassle parking the car, then 1hr wait after checkin, all for a 45min flight to Edinburgh, then all the same hassles getting back before a 1hr drive home.


However, if I wanted to I could fly from Cambridge airport, which is about 10mins from where I am right now, get a private jet straight up to Edinburgh. I cant remember how much they are now, but one of the local private jet companies was recently touting for business saying about how cheap they were when you workout how much £ per hour you`d save on your own time.

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Private jet is always quicker, why do you think people use them?

Turn up 10 minutes before you need to take off, get off straight into a car as opposed to get there at least an hour before, then youve got immigration on the way out, poncing around getting on the plane, missing a take off slot, getting off the plane at the other end, big old line at immigration, waiting for your luggage, queueing for a taxi.


Plus the fact you can actually work on the flight and arrive relaxed, rather than head ringing from a screaming baby, and thats before you get to the fact you can take off and land when it suits you, not when it suits Stavros. Its the future, Ive seen it ;)

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