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Other drivers


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Im gonna have a rant so apologies.


What annoys you about other drivers, there's been 2 things in 2 days that have got to me.


Yesterday some wally driving like miss daisy in the slow lane of the m25 as I'm joining from a slip lane. I make the main carriage in front of him, a good 5 car lengths at least in front of him, look over my shoulder, see no other vehicles in any lane so I accelerate across into the fast lane. He flashes me, why flash me, I can only think that it was because I did not indicate whilst performing a manouvre that had no baring or impact on his driving whatsoever. Because he will indicate very time he does anything even if it is of no benefit to their road users. Just one of those people who thinks he is better than everyone else.


And today


Coming home from work, I'm in the middle lane and need to come of at the next junction, little bit of congestion but nothing major. I'm indicating, a gap becomes available, the next car a vw passat, at least 4 car lengths back, doing a consistent speed, I pull across, I'm now fully in the lane and the passat has accelerated hard up my arse and then honks at me, obviously missing my whole manouver, driving past me on the slip giving me the ****er sign with two young kids in the car. Prick.

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People doing 30mph down a slip road on to a motorway, really really winds me up. I find driving a car a tedious task, the bike however is far more enjoyable apart from the odd person in their metal box who thinks people on bikes are not road users like them.

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Middle lane hoggers

People who drive to close

Scooters/mopeds that put out 110 decibels but go at 15 mph

Those who insist on stopping at the top of each up ramp in a multi storey car park to do gawd knows what

Lane weavers

People who have their lights on full in the day time

Those who manage to drive just 10mph below the appropriate speed on a nice b road

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  Zugara said:

1. People that stop at a roundabout when there is nothing coming from the right?

2. doing makeup whilst at the wheel?

3. Phone users.


.......................that reminds of the thread 'What would you do if you were a woman for the day' :lol:

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  theheff said:

Because he will indicate very time he does anything even if it is of no benefit to their road users.



Sounds like me :lol: . I've been driving for so long it's just something I do without thinking :shrug:



1. People that stop at a roundabout when there is nothing coming from the right?

2. Folks shaving and doing makeup whilst at the wheel?

3. Phone users.


My 3 would be

1. People that don't switch their lights on until its almost dark

2. Phone users

3. tailgating



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people stopping at roundabouts when there is nothing coming is a right pain... as are people who pull away from junctions and go first, second, MASSSSIIIIVE PAUSE, then finally find third and continue accelerating - how hard is it to smoothly accelerate to 60mph in one go?


another thing that i've noticed, people in small ecoboxes driving right behind slow moving lorries. Great, thanks, that just extends the length of the overtake i have to do. If you have no intention of overtaking, then pull back so that someone who is can pull in infront of you before overtaking the lorry.

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  Maccaman said:

Drivers who will swing out around a pushbike on to your side of the road because they have no intention of slowing.

+1 and drivers who won't stop behind a parked car forcing you to either slam the brakes on or mount the kerb :angry: - like the woman driving at about 40ish in a 20 zone in the village yesterday, who was too busy talking to her passenger.

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A TT driver today doing 30/35 arround bends that we would strugle to stay below 60. Then they see a straight bit and foot down hard up to 60.

The poor Freelanders turbo was screeming when I overtook her. :lol::lol::blush:

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Road users (not just car drivers) using phones or in-ear music devices and cyclists either not using light when dark or having them flashing. Had a near miss with a cyclist on the edge of the village a while back, who was cycling on the wrong side of the road, wearing dark clothing, had no lights (no hi-viz or reflectors) and was listening to an ipod. Not what you'd expect to see coming towards you on an unlit street at the end of a row of parked cars :bang:

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Maybe its just me, but my pet hate is people who drive in a straight line across roundabouts using every lane and completely unaware that there is somebody turning right at the same roundabout and quite correctly occupying the right-hand lane, or at least what little is left of it! For me, the clue is in the name...ROUNDabout.


Maybe they are the same people who drive with their wing mirrors folded in, too?


Rant over!

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  Builder49 said:

Driver who leave their rear fogs on!

Drivers (sorry, chavs) with front fogs on all the time!

The idiots that think the rear of my Navara will actually hold their car and save them fuel if they get close enough and drive onboard :angry:


Agree 1000% apart from the Navara bit as I don't have one :lol:

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People who don't indicate. I indicate even if it's 4am and I know there is no one there. Doesn't take much effort.


40 everywhere drivers. 30mph zone they drive 40. 60zone they drive 40 :bang:


I hate people who do this thing when they mess up they don't look at you do I can't see you so it didn't happen. Sometimes we all mess up but a hands up and a mouthing of sorry usually keep them sweet.


Vauxhall drivers i don't think any of them can drive.

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Driving discipline in the Uk is generally poor, i ride a big bike most of the time and my observation about most car drivers is this:


it's something to occupy the hands whilst listening to the radio and or talking on phone ! :rant:

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