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For those that service your 350Z yourself


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I used to service my bike engine track car and Audi A4 tdi myself (oil and filters) and used to put the receipt (for parts) in the log/service book along with my signature.


However my 350Z has full Nissan History at present.


What do you guys do as far as auditing the work you have completed in a fashion that is not a put off to prospective future buyers?


I have a trade card for halfords so can buy premium oils very very cheap

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I keep the receipts and note of the mileage ive serviced or changed items on the car and keep them all in a nice little folder.


The last car I sold, the buyer was seriously impressed with all the history id kept as to what items I had serviced or changed over the years I had owned the car.


I think in general, if the buyer can see you are an enthusiast who has lavished time and money treating his car correctly, it will be as good as having a FSH. Personally I dont trust garages as far as I can throw them having had many bad experiences in the past, so for me, id rather know an enthusiast has put proper oil in the car rather than some YTS lad who may have never seen a 350z before has had a go at it.

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A Nissan dealership is no guarantee of quality of work...especially servicing which is mundane and repetitive, they just stick their lowest paid mechanics on them a lot of the time, you might be ok but sometimes not.

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I've done my own service on the Jag, i have the JTIS which is the full mechanics system, and one of the things on it is the service sheet. i printed that off and and filled it in, attatched the receipts and signed the service book, and put the service record in my folder of receipts.


i also keep a spreadsheet for all work done on my car, the mileage, cost, reason and result. along with the date. all in order.


i've done this on all my cars and with the folder of receipts all in order to acompany it, makes selling the car very easy. buyers see it and read through and the spread sheet works abit like a contents page to the receipts. all the private buyers i've sold to have loved it and in a couple of occasions its secured the higher price as buyer has said they planned to haggle down, but can;t fault it or the evidence that its been well cared for.


I'm lucky with the jag as i have the previous owners paperwork as well so documented it for the last 2 owners including myself.


anal yes, but useful ;)

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A Nissan dealership is no guarantee of quality of work...especially servicing which is mundane and repetitive, they just stick their lowest paid mechanics on them a lot of the time, you might be ok but sometimes not.


It's like this at most places. That £400 service Porsche charge for is done by an a young apprentice most of the time.

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