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“I’m not the Pheasant plucker�


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Nor the pheasant pluckers mate, cos I’m the pheasant destroyer.


Unfortunately one of these beautiful birds flew straight into my windscreen while trying to avoid another car :scare: . She left lighting strike cracks all over the passenger side windscreen and several feathers lodged in the wipers and bonnet shut lines. Bugger I hate killing stuff :thumbdown:


Autoglass just been to fit another screen (£75).

So was my little burn up the road the other day worth the money.

Shure it was!! :lol: (sorry big bird, rip)

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I nearly hit a fox a few weeks back one night. Came round a bend at 60 at night to be met with a fox not knowing where to run. It ran away then back in front of me several times startled whilst I stamped on the brakes and fought to keep her facing the right way. Scary stuff!

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took out a pidgeon the other week... was doing around 75, pidgeon flew up and tried to outrun my car... bad idea, one pidgeon splat on the windscreen lol. greasy little buggers.


took out a squirrel a little while back... saw him a way off, but didnt slow down or change direction. ah well, it played the natural selection game and lost :evil:

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Yeah, I hit a pheasant years ago in my XR3i a couple of miles away from the Evo Triangle. Was doing about 40 and I was very lucky that it hit square in the middle of the plastic grille which was easily fixed. Bloody pheasant just flew off :scare: . Luckily, that's the biggest thing I've ever hit, in a car at least :lol:




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Last year driving to one of our track days, bird came flying towards me, luckily it hit the number plate and went straight underneath and out the back. One of the other Zedders got it on video apparently. Left a few feathers and blood stuck to the number plate. Thank goodness for the number plate!!! Frequenlty when we do rallies, Hawks or large pheasants will be hanging out on the road, not a good place to be as I round a corner. :surrender:


At least you're ok, even if the windscreen isn't. :console:

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My Z got away very lightly last week, going along at around 60mph, pheasant trotted out of the bushes and 'THUD', feathers everywhere.

But all I've got is a small scratch on a headlamp and a bit of crazed lacquer on the bumber.


I was down in Devon the week before and the roads were total carnage, pheasants, foxes, badgers, deer, hedgehogs, the lot!


I guess they are all coming out of hibernation and / or it's mating season.

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  Dicky said:

Unfortunately one of these beautiful birds flew straight into my windscreen while trying to avoid another car :scare: . She left lighting strike cracks all over the passenger side windscreen and several feathers lodged in the wipers and bonnet shut lines.:thumbdown:


  HaydnH said:

Sounds like you got off lightly! Pheasants can do serious damage to cars.


It wasn't exactly cosmetic damage - did you expect the car to turn itself inside out :lol:

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Hope you ate it for tea!


Animals can cause a lot of damage to cars. I hit a badger once in a car - it ran out in front of me on a dual carraigeway. It broke the front bumper and smashed a light. Ive hit pigeons before on my motorbike and its like being hit in the chest with a cricket ball! One hit the radiator once and my god that took some serious cleaning afterwards... blood and feathers everywhere. :(

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I hit a badger at full dual carriageway speeds about a year and a half ago. Badger was split in two with steaming bits everywhere and was an absolutely huge one. The car didn't suffer a single scratch. I have absolutely no idea how that happened and how I managed to get away with no damage whatsoever. Could be that the speed was high enough for the car to just pierce the poor animal rather than have a blunt impact.

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Errrr it was worse for the animals that it was for your cars!


I don't mind admitting that I've twice stopped my Z (when it was safe to do so) on rural roads to shepherd young rabbits out of the road in the hope that they don't get run over by other drivers.


I reckon animals get a seriously bad deal from us humans, so I like to do my bit for them when I can. :console:



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  sipar69 said:

Errrr it was worse for the animals that it was for your cars!


I don't mind admitting that I've twice stopped my Z (when it was safe to do so) on rural roads to shepherd young rabbits out of the road in the hope that they don't get run over by other drivers.


I reckon animals get a seriously bad deal from us humans, so I like to do my bit for them when I can. :console:






Good man. See, we aren't all planet destroying lunatics. I used to run a toad crossing patrol when I was a kid :p

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