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Do most women drivers feel the need to get as close to the steering wheel as possible?


The amount of women driving like this gobsmacks me everytime I see it.


Just imagine in the event of an accident, what damage the air bag cover would do to their chests, it would be like having 3 burst air bags :scare:


Come on girlies, put the seat back for your own safety, and better control of your cars. :thumbs:

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Lets be fair, they even sit wrong to watch TV !!! How can you possibly sit with your legs curled up underneath you and have proper safe control of a cup of tea, hob knob biscuit and the remote control????


Actually they shouldn't have the remote control !!!




With the car thing, my Ex always said it was she had correct posture and I slouched !!! (I've learned after so many wives that some arguments you just can't win) :bang:

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Do most women drivers feel the need to get as close to the steering wheel as possible?


The amount of women driving like this gobsmacks me everytime I see it.


Just imagine in the event of an accident, what damage the air bag cover would do to their chests, it would be like having 3 burst air bags :scare:

I think from what I've seen, some are a bit vertically challenged, but even so, still much too close to the steering wheels and dashboard. :surrender:

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