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What body type (women) do you prefer?


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What sort of bodyshape you like on a girl and the sort you end up dating or marrying are 2 completely different things I find. Ive dated all sorts, from size 10 model material blondes through to girls who are a bit err.. larger. Also, height wise ranging from about 5ft dead to 5ft 11.


Personally I like a girl who clearly looks after herself, and isnt just some coach potato who sits there eating chocolate & watching TV all day. Size 10->14 suits me, 5ft 5ish, DD upwards. Like someone else said, maybe kim kardashian sort of shape.


However, ive yet to date a girl just because of what she looks like. For me, its always the personality which I go for first, and its a bonus if the girl has a good figure. I tend to get to know a girl first, usually through work or friends long before the dating starts.


However, some guys definately have 1 particular type and thats the only sort of girl they go for. Loads of my friends are like that, and its sometimes scary how their new girlfriend looks nearly identical to their last one!!!

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I don’t really see that the "Shape" is the issue the shape just needs to fit the person, I think it’s all about proportion IMO

For example, a more voluptuous woman is just as attractive as a straight up and down super model. Equally, in the wrong proportions these examples can be just as un attractive. In addition I also think that the confidence and attitude can play a big part. For example J-Lo is an attractive "Looking" woman but she comes across as a complete arsehole, which in my eyes would be a bigger turn off, than if she had put on a few pounds!!


As for the effort put in to looking good I think its appreciated, but speaking as a floored bloke, not always acknowledged enough :surrender:

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Kylie all the way for me :yahoo::thumbs:


Definately! shes really slim but still very womanly shape wise.


personally i dont go for the J-Lo type toosh, myself. Prefer small pert butt, flat tummy and legs that look good in heels. Boob size isn't an issue for me as ive seen both tiny and large that are lovely :blush:


We all sound so pervy don't we?

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It's not a proper scientific survey,of course, but I just wanted to see what views men held on the subject because it is such a hot topic on the other forum I frequent. We don't have many males on there and I think the few we do are probably too scared to offer any opinions :lol: Personally, I don't diet as such but I am not overweight and I do think about what I eat. I am also active as I have two dogs to walk and a horse that I ride most days. I don't find extremely overweight or underweight bodies on either sex particularly appealing but I am not averse to a woman having a few curves as I believe that it is a more natural body shape than the extremely thin, lollipop heads like Victoria Beckham that so many women aspire to.


Packet of Liquorice Allsorts on its way in the post to you then SpursMadDave :lol:

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I like someone slim i.e. takes care of themselves and stays in shape but not emaciated!!! Someone who is scrawny is awful and makes you feel like you'll break them as well as looking ill.


Current GF is a size 10 and gym toned look, has cracking legs, nice curvy bumb and more than a good handful up front, just the way I like it.

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cool..well for me i prefer natural beauty if someone takes there make up off and looks completely different not really for me..if someone works out 7 times a week to change there apperance not for me ...everyone is born differently and some chase too much to be something they are not..nothing wrong with taking care of yourself etc but you cant change... its who you are and i guess the females i like are the ones that embrace that

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  Sarnie said:

I think the only people that propogate 'size zero' are women themselves. I've never heard a single man say 'ooh I love my bird to be a bag on bones'. Simarly, men's magazines don't show us skinny 6 stone women, they are all 'voluptuous' to say the least as thats what the male market says we want. Conversely, womens magazines are full of skinny women, it's almost as if they don't want to alienate their readers with women who have figures that are unachievable, and would rather promote 'skinny' as something all women can achieve via the latest fad diet etc etc.


Hear! Hear! Bloody image consious women!


*hides copy of mens health with oober ripped **** on the front*

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i'm with SMD with this, i like allsorts, initial looks would get my attention, but it was personality and humor that kept me interested. and if she was a saucy girl then it was even better :snorkel:


but as i'm married now i have found the perfect woman, shes perfect because she puts up with me.


kelly brooks proportions are pretty spot on but she's as thick as a plank, yes nice to look at but would you date her? ok you probably would...but still


also like mila kunis, nicole kidman, anna friel, salma hayek,


But we all know this is the perfect woman


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Size 8,

height 5'4" to 5'9",

pale coloured skin,

typical hour glass shape, but NOT with child bearing hips :lol:

Small boobies :blush::blush:

And a nice Ass :lol:

Blond hair or light brown.

Natural looking without too much war paint :lol:


Plus other details that I couldnt possibly mention on here! :shutup:

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Goodness Zugara, that is quite a shopping list!!! I hope you are a perfect physical specimen yourself or you will be lucky to bag yourself the perfect woman, surely?


That brings me on to another question that I have regarding men specifically - how many of you have got a list of physical attributes that a woman must possess before you will even deign to consider her as a potential mate? I am not sure that women do this to be honest. I mean some women like nice bottoms, well defined abs or a cheeky smile on a man but I haven't actually met any woman who has a whole list of requirements that must be met. Obviously, not all men think along these lines as evidenced by the replies to this thread but it would be interesting to find out more about those that do. Don't you ever worry that you might pass up your chance to find a great girl just because her legs are an inch too short or her hair is the 'wrong' colour?

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I wouldn't have any "must haves" on the basis that I wouldn't flatter myself that my own desirability would make my choice was so wide. All this is totally academic, of course, as my needs are fully catered for :lol:

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  twobears said:

Don't you ever worry that you might pass up your chance to find a great girl just because her legs are an inch too short or her hair is the 'wrong' colour?


Depends what you mean by a great girl. My missus was a size 18/20 when i met her. She spends most of her time on the sofa watching telly whilst eating chocolates and hates exercise. In fact she hates anything which might involve physical activity - such as walking, running, swimming. She even hates cleaning.


So, probably about as far removed from the sort of girl id normally go for, but we clicked and get on really well together.


I think women have similar ideas as to what they like in a bloke, but dont always stick to it. My ex for example hated me working out and making sure i was in shape all the time, she said i was too "big and muscularly" and she hated that in a man. And yet whats her new bloke like? yep. more ripped than me and even has an 8 pack....

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  twobears said:

Goodness Zugara, that is quite a shopping list!!! I hope you are a perfect physical specimen yourself or you will be lucky to bag yourself the perfect woman, surely?


That brings me on to another question that I have regarding men specifically - how many of you have got a list of physical attributes that a woman must possess before you will even deign to consider her as a potential mate? I am not sure that women do this to be honest. I mean some women like nice bottoms, well defined abs or a cheeky smile on a man but I haven't actually met any woman who has a whole list of requirements that must be met. Obviously, not all men think along these lines as evidenced by the replies to this thread but it would be interesting to find out more about those that do. Don't you ever worry that you might pass up your chance to find a great girl just because her legs are an inch too short or her hair is the 'wrong' colour?


Most men will have two lists. One for the sort of women they want to pull on a night out and another for someone they might actually want to spend some time with. Needless to say, the first list is considerably shorter than the second :p

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