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Custom Car PC vs Branded Head Unit


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Hi Folks,


Just bought my first 350z (03 plate import, Auto Transmission, no sat nav). Im absolutely LOVING it!!!!!


It just has the stock BOSE stereo sound system installed and the cubby with nowt in it. I want to upgrade to a head unit that is all singing all dancing.

I have looked at a couple of options but I cant decide what to do. Im hoping you guys can point me in the right direction.


My initial thoughts was to build my own car PC and stick the monitor into the cubby and keep the existing BOSE head unit. This way, I can close the cubby door to hide the screen from praying eyes when I park it and leave it overnight. Im not sure how this would work though. Does the BOSE HU just become obsolete when the PC is installed (as I would use the PC to play all my music etc).

This option is good as I can choose what I want on it (OS, UI, Software etc) BUT it seems really fiddly to install as i would have to run wires from one of the glove boxes behind the seats (this is where I would store the PC). Im not at all clued up with electronics OR the interior of my car so this could cause problems.

Also, If I am listening to a playlist via my car pc media software and I turn off the engine halfway through a track, then come back in an hour and start up the engine again, will it continue to play where it left off ?????


The other option is to buy a branded all singing all dancing HU. Obviousy with this option I cant choose what software etc that I can have installed AND it has no hard drive to save all my media. BUT, it would be MUCH easier and a lot less hassle to install and operate!!!!!

Would a new HU HAVE to replace the BOSE HU, or could you put the new HU into the Cubby??? As I think the screen would be too low for sat nav if it just replaces the BOSE HU.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


p.s I have seen a few topics on this forums about people building Car PCs and selling them to members but these topics seem to be pretty old now. Is there anyone still willing to build me a PC and sell me it, making a small prfit for themselves???


Cheers folks

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