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Clicking Axle Noise Solved - Try this first!!!!!


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  • 2 weeks later...



The click has gone!!! Wahoo!


For 20 quid and an hour of my time I thought I would give it a bash before opting for the more expensive option.


A massive thank you to Mark, your help is very much appreciated! If your coming to Japfest I'll buy you a beer!




One very happy man :thumbs:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had the car on the ramps today for a service and thought i might as well have a quick bash at this. 20 minute job. And have to say the click is definitely gone. Hopefully it stays that way, if not its still been worth a try. :thumbs:

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  Rob22 said:

Had the car on the ramps today for a service and thought i might as well have a quick bash at this. 20 minute job. And have to say the click is definitely gone. Hopefully it stays that way, if not its still been worth a try. :thumbs:


Great news! Mine has still gone too :)

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I replaced the passenger side as it was clicking like mad, this cured the click. A few months later the drivers side start to click so this time I removed the driveshaft cleaned it up and greased it with CV grease and the clicking stopped. So far neither side has any sign of the clicking returning.

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  • 1 month later...

well had little work to do this week so i decided to try this fix for the clicky axle problem which has annoyed me for a while ,i must be honest i was not expecting this to work as i am competent with car mechanics and could not see how it should make any difference ,but as it is so easy i thought it worth a shot ,i did both sides just for good measure even though only the drivers side seemed to have the issue ,the result is 100% no more click click.

Tried forward to reverse slowly ,quickly and snatchy pull off but absolutly no clicks ,just out of excitement or curiosty i doughnuted it in the workshop yard and and still no noise (except the tyres)

no idea if it is permanent fix but am very pleased

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Ah....forgot about this thread. I gave this ago last month when i got my subframe of the car to fit bushes and used the exact HD grease as the OP ;) My clicking disappeared and has remained so despite some major hooning. Need to see if it will after a track session but i have a feeling it will and if not i'll just regrease it :lol: ......had almost a tub full left :thumbs:

Thanks Mark for this B)

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My car has been clicking away like a trooper. Even though I replaced one of the CV joints that side had started making noises again (both sides were making a racket).


My garage checked the droplinks and found they were fine and therefore got to work doing some greasing yesterday. There is now no clicking - not a single noise at all - :yahoo: Im about to go on a two week 2000 mile road trip which will include a few laps of the Nurburgring and the Hockeheimring. I'll update on progress when I get back.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Tried it yesterday - 100% cured!!!! As the garage was changing the links and bushings on front antiroll bar I told them to do the trick and grease the splines as per instructions here and... no clicking! This post is brilliant!!! Saved me £££! Excellent post! Thanks.

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Just had this done this morning by StormMotorWerks (also looks after my M), and it took them all of 30-40 mins total.


The price came to not far off what I was considering to pay for one of the cheapest torque wrenches I could find, and didn't even go up to 177!!!


Clicking noise all gone - I'm a happy chappy. :dance:

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