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Lost car Key


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Hi everyone,


I t seems I lost my last car key,when I back from a long time business trip.I can not remind where is my car key.

I'm puzzleed. :bang:


I just want to know if there is a way I can have a new key?How can I do?Any idea is welcome.

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Try contacting an independent mobile locksmith before Nissan and see if they can get the codes - this should be a cheaper option than going direct to Nissan.


The same happened to me with my old Almera (I know it's not a Zed but still was an electric clicky lock) and it was about £140.


I believe that some insurers might cover this.


Hope you get it sorted :)




PS the keys were found about 2 weeks later hiding in the glove compartment of my old pug :lol:

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A new key from Nissan costs £160, a new key from a locksmith is only a few pennies cheaper from the quotes I got. It'll probably cost you a good bit more if they have to come and get into your car first.

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