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Most cats do that, my Monty certainly does. There are various theories but i think it mainly takes place during periods of happiness and contentment. But in the case of a kitten......


"Kittens must nurse their mother to get life-sustaining milk. Kneading mom's teats stimulates the let-down response and causes the milk to flow more freely. The movements are instinctive, and since they incur a reward, kitty naturally transfers the behavior to other places and things in the hope of more good things to come".

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Because that's what they do to their mums! It's normal, our kitten does it too, well, she's almost a year now so almost a cat.


It's funny cos she often jumps up on the couch when we sit down for dinner and starts padding the cushions then looks at us as if to say "hellppp I can't stop doing this" haha.

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Mine do it too, and they're 8 years old now.



What is slightly weirder is the recent habit that Zelda (the male of the two) has recently picked up, which is to snuggle up and sniff my armpits once an evening before coming back up for air with a very contented look on his face, and a slightly puffy tail. It's a little bit... Well, a little bit pervy if I'm honest, but it keeps him happy enough. :wacko:

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Our cat gets jealous when I am on the phone, she can be peacefully asleep wherever in the flat but if my phone goes she is on my shoulder meowing away letting whoever i am talking to know she is there :lol:

When Mary is on the phone she doesn't give a toss which winds her up immensely as she feeds her and cleans up after her :lol:


But she is definitely Daddy's girl



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Mine do it too, and they're 8 years old now.



What is slightly weirder is the recent habit that Zelda (the male of the two) has recently picked up, which is to snuggle up and sniff my armpits once an evening before coming back up for air with a very contented look on his face, and a slightly puffy tail. It's a little bit... Well, a little bit pervy if I'm honest, but it keeps him happy enough. :wacko:



Our other cat does this as well, it must be the Lynx effect......seems to attract the pussies..... ;)

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Our cat gets jealous when I am on the phone, she can be peacefully asleep wherever in the flat but if my phone goes she is on my shoulder meowing away letting whoever i am talking to know she is there :lol:

When Mary is on the phone she doesn't give a toss which winds her up immensely as she feeds her and cleans up after her :lol:


But she is definitely Daddy's girl

Cats in particular, even right from kittens, seem to either prefer male or females, it makes no difference who feeds them. They tend to bond to one person in a household. Cat "I shall not be ignored, I'm the centre of attention". How dare you pick up the phone and talk to someone else. :p:lol:

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Our new cat has a very strange habit. :headhurt:


He pads away on his sleeping cushion for ages, eyes saying, hmmmmmm I am loving this :wacko:


So, why do cats "pad"?


Ours does the same. We have a MASSIVE soft toy dog in the living room and the cat goes over, spends a good 5mins padding him with his paws, then curls up against it and goes to sleep. Apparently its an in-built thing cats do, it stems from when they do the same with their mummy, makes them feel relaxed apparently.

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Casper used to do it anywhere he sat, even the kitchen worktop lol, he did it all his life


Timmy only does it when he sitting on a cushion or his bed when on my lap or on my stomach or chest when I'm in bed, he's 9 now and shows no sign of stopping, he'll do it for ages as if he's trying to make himself comfy and after about 20 mins half the time he'll wander off and go lay down straight away with no padding at all, I think he's trying to build my stomach muscles as I have to tense when he does it or it hurts - he's heavy lol

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Our cat gets jealous when I am on the phone, she can be peacefully asleep wherever in the flat but if my phone goes she is on my shoulder meowing away letting whoever i am talking to know she is there :lol:

When Mary is on the phone she doesn't give a toss which winds her up immensely as she feeds her and cleans up after her :lol:


But she is definitely Daddy's girl




Hey, your cat looks just like mine!


This is him when he was a kitten...




now 18 months later he has taken over the sofa...



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