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Not for the faint-hearted...


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  bernmc said:
If any of you lurk on other forums, I'd appreciate it if you spread the word - signatures are starting to pick up quickly now :thumbs:


Thanks for posting this up. Words fail me. Haven't got the stomach to wacth the video but have signed the petition.


Reminds me of the awful Seal cub cull's.. :angry:

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Im sorry that is not right at all, i couldnt watch it the whole way through. Turned off when they were cutting them open when they were still alive and they were wriggling all over the place.




Signed sealed and delivered, lets get this stopped

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this is only the tip of the iceberg to some of the stuff that happens but anything that helps bring animal cruelty to the attention of the world, I'm all for.


what's the difference to this and the production of veal or foie gras. None.

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  M13KYF said:

what's the difference to this and the production of veal or foie gras. None.



Would never eat foie gras myself :rant:


Killing animals to eat them is one thing (and a natural thing)

Force-feeding animals in order to deform them so we can eat that is another thing.

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you don't know what you are missing, foie gras is delicious B) and so is veal.


I love good food, and imo there really isn't much difference bwtween this and eating an egg produced by a chicken who's been living in a battery farm all its life tbh.


What about those cows or pigs raised in such poor conditions where they can't even turn around, such is lack of space? Do you know where all the food you buy comes from? :)


where do you draw the line?

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  TheMinel said:
you don't know what you are missing, foie gras is delicious B) and so is veal.


I love good food, and imo there really isn't much difference bwtween this and eating an egg produced by a chicken who's been living in a battery farm all its life tbh.


What about those cows or pigs raised in such poor conditions where they can't even turn around, such is lack of space? Do you know where all the food you buy comes from? :)


where do you draw the line?


buy organic, at least you know that the animal has had a better life than the forced reared/battery kind and also taste better.

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I know, and I do, btw ;)


what I was trying to say is, that's easy to condemn the Japs for doing this, we don't eat dolphins in the West.


Aren't cows sacred in India, for example? Imagine how they would frown upon our eating habits there?


It's all relative, imo.

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I don't condemn them for eating dolphins, although I personally wouldn't want to. It's the way they hunt and kill them- bloody savages.


If you're going to kill something, make it quick and as painless as possible.


I know it's not the only dreadful thing being done to animals out there, but you have to start somewhere. The 'what about battery hens/seals being clubbed' etc etc cry doesn't cut it with me - if you're bothered by these things, then do something about it.


Just because a couple of hundred other women are going to be raped in the world tonight isn't going to stop me helping my neighbour if they happen to be one of them.



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yes the argument is not about the eating of animal flesh , it is the cruel and painful method of their dispatch in this case..if it was a quick process ,nobody would really have an argument with them, we all eat meat of one sort or another (except veggies off course )

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  lomoto said:
yes the argument is not about the eating of animal flesh , it is the cruel and painful method of their dispatch in this case..if it was a quick process ,nobody would really have an argument with them, we all eat meat of one sort or another (except veggies off course )



so what about the conditions livestock live in, most of the times? as I said above are always 100% sure of where your food comes from? how do you know if a cow has not been living is extremely appalling conditions (plus al of the examples I mentioned above..)


ffs you even go hunting! :lol: now that's surely as inhuman as the dolphins' killing?? ;)



it's all relative, imo

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the particular annoying thing about the video clip and the dolpins is that the chinese carry this out for pure greed. It's not that they wish to eat the dolphin but it's because the dolphin eats the fish the chinese fish for.


The girlfriends sister went to a animal reserve/park in Thailand which had endangered speacies there. The weird thing was the restaurant at the reserve served all the meats that were animals in th epark. So they were just for the table. Bleeding bonkers. The far east just have no idea of animal welfare/protection. Even the Japanaese are busy paying back handers to some countries to try and sway the decision on whale hunting.

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