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orange zed?


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Some advice please everyone.


In my other thread I recently had a total loss of my zed due to clipping a kerb.I want another one but I just don't fancy the silver/gunmetal as every one you see is this colour.Mine was chilli red GT and these are non existent nearly.I've been looking in the for sale section and wanted everyones opinion of the orange zed for sale.


link for easyness....




personally I like it but what does everyone else think about the colour and whats it like in the flesh?


Thanks in advance



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It's a gorgeous colour, but don't ever mark a panel as it's a nightmare to try and match. It's pretty much the only colour I'd consider buying another Zed in.



As long as you like it though, who cares what anyone else thinks?

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  skidder said:

The advert also states 2007 but isn't the reg a 2005?


unless i'm mistaken.


thanks for the advice so far.







It's been retro reg'd for some reason. Temper Orange wasn't available till 2007 :thumbs:




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I actually really like the temper orange, however in the winter months it looks more like a pastel colour like sarnie said. But when its in the sun B) Again, have to agree with Ekona.. trying to match the paint would be a blooming nightmare.

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  skidder said:

picture six..from the rear areial to the rear passenger window.The rubber seal looks out of alighnment.


maybe its me but look closely.

Ah, I see what you're referring to now. Does look a bit odd, but I suspect that's either a trick of the light/camera or all Zeds are like that. Can't see anything that would cause it, nor it being a problem. :)

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I think the orange ones are a cracking colour. You certainly wouldnt loose that in a carpark!!!! Not sure id go for a red one, from my experience of red cars previously they always tend to fade.


Sometimes I wish id gone for a louder colour as I think they suit zeds, but I was very limited as to what was available at the time.

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  Zugara said:

Bullitt cars have one, but, be warned, it's a dog :evil: I went for a looky and walked away rather sharpish. It's been around for a long while and has just made an appearance again after being unadvertised for about 6 weeks. Says it all really. :thumbs:







What's the problem with it?




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