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Go for it!


I also run a 350Z as my "mid-life crisis" car (my sons' description) and a Toyota Hilux - the Hilux is work and the Zed is personal - though I use the Zed for visiting customers whenever I get the chance!


Recently (like a week ago) got a personal plate for the Zed


- I saw a good one for the company truck about a year ago but couldn't afford it - still looking, though!


All cars are female but - I was intrigued to see yours are different genders, whereas my Zed is definitely feminine but the truck is 'butch' (Ahem)

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Go for it!


I also run a 350Z as my "mid-life crisis" car (my sons' description) and a Toyota Hilux - the Hilux is work and the Zed is personal - though I use the Zed for visiting customers whenever I get the chance!


Recently (like a week ago) got a personal plate for the Zed


- I saw a good one for the company truck about a year ago but couldn't afford it - still looking, though!


All cars are female but - I was intrigued to see yours are different genders, whereas my Zed is definitely feminine but the truck is 'butch' (Ahem)



The company truck one is great..... Helps that the company initials are mine... X8PRK would look good though where they're side by side, lol

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Dunno about the plate, but thats one seriously shiny zed. I normally find the black zeds look kinda boring and plain when I see them on the road, but yours... my god, its like a mirror! Looks excellent. You must have been giving that some serious elbow polishing grease. :thumbs:

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Dunno about the plate, but thats one seriously shiny zed. I normally find the black zeds look kinda boring and plain when I see them on the road, but yours... my god, its like a mirror! Looks excellent. You must have been giving that some serious elbow polishing grease. :thumbs:


Thanks for the compliment. :teeth: Actually she's a bit grubby, just been to the garage and they left a few nasty hand prints on the bonnet and wheels. Must clean her at the weekend.


As for the 'Wheels' comment. Good point! I like the look of RAYS, but fancy something in Black, plus priority is new tyres and discs/pads all round. All of this to be done in the next week or two. :scare:

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