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Gearbox or Diff whine


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I have an annyoing whining from the rear of the car which i suspect is either the gearbox or diff. It seems to be most noticeable around 40mph , is unrelated to the gear im in (i can cost with the clutch in and the noise is still there) and seems to increase with the speed rather than the engine revs. I might be paranoid but im sure its getting loader slowly. I'll prob get it to the dealers in the next week or so to have it looked at but wondered if anyone else had anything similar on their car at any point?


I know theres not much sound proofing in these things so thought it may be normal ...?

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  0pus said:

I have an annyoing whining from the rear of the car which i suspect is either the gearbox or diff. It seems to be most noticeable around 40mph , is unrelated to the gear im in (i can cost with the clutch in and the noise is still there) and seems to increase with the speed rather than the engine revs. I might be paranoid but im sure its getting loader slowly. I'll prob get it to the dealers in the next week or so to have it looked at but wondered if anyone else had anything similar on their car at any point?


I know theres not much sound proofing in these things so thought it may be normal ...?



Wheel bearing perhaps:






In stock and good to go same/next day :thumbs:


Give me a shout once you get a proper diagnoses.


Alex :)

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Zman, thanks for reply. Im hoping it is a wheel bearing but in the past when these have gone on other cars its been much more noticable when cornering and a different type of noise. I certainly hope that its a wheel bearing and not a dieing diff!

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  0pus said:

Zman, thanks for reply. Im hoping it is a wheel bearing but in the past when these have gone on other cars its been much more noticable when cornering and a different type of noise. I certainly hope that its a wheel bearing and not a dieing diff!



Don't worry I have diffs in stock as well :lol::thumbs:


Alex :)

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i have this issue, but its more a drone than a whine, increased noticeably above 40mph, ive had a few people check it out, the consensus is that the diff is badgered in some way.


Try the test they did for me, which was to get to motorway cruising speeds, preferably on a smooth road, then put the car into neutral and coast along, if the sound picks up considerably as did mine, then its the limited slip differential (according to the engineers)


I have just got myself a second hand diff and am waiting to fit it,


i'll let you know on the outcome,

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bugger.., Yep, sounds similar taffy, on a perfect tarmac road around 40mph its very noticaeable,esp if i drop into neutral. Crusing speed on the motorway its also noticable, less so because of the road noise etc but its definately there.If i drop out of gear into neutral it doesnt get any louder or quieter its just more noticable becasue theres no engine noise.Its definatley related to road speed as the pitch changes with the speed..And actually recently ive notices a very slight vibration through the body of the car which i think is related, do you have this?


£250 is not to bad for new diff though, better than i thought it just means my wheel refurb will have to wait a bit longer.



Im off on hols and will get it to Nissan when I get back.Id be intrested to know if the diff fixes it for you. I'll let you know what the nissan garage has to say when i get back in few weeks..



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I have a 'new' diff fitted, a 2005 with 45k miles unit...but...


the noise is still there, so either ive been incredibly unlucky and got another diff with exactly the same fault...or its something else


i previously changed both rear tyres to matching high quality ones, which made no difference


Garage previous to that discounted the bearings.....but with all the above changed, how can it be anything else?


Any thoughts?


Cheers all

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