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Sub-Terra alton towers


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don't bother :thumbdown:


once again the hype is better than the actual ride.


it's just a poor quality rip-off of 'stitches great escape' at magic kingdom,florida, admittedly sub-terra as a small drop but very little else.


yet another let down at alton.


sub-terra pah more like sub-standard :lol:

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Went to Thorpe Park last weekend and rode Stealth, Swarm and Saw.


I have to say Swarm pulls some nice G's and good speed, gave it a 7 out of 10, mainly because my right arm was ripped off along with me left leg from the knee down.


Saw was pretty awesome and I'll give that a 9. Great start off and superb vertical chain lift to be dropped with slight invert. Great G's too :thumbs:


But best of all Stealth, 0-80mph in 2.7 seconds. Sh1t the bed bloody amazing, 270ft up I think. A short ride but truly fantastic 10 out of 10 :yahoo::clap:


About 2 years ago Stealth was the 10th highest roller coaster in the world, but only held that place for about 4 months. It's actually a copy of a ride called Top Thrill Dragster which is at Cedar Point Ohio and held the 1st place highest coaster in the world at 420ft for a while until Kingda Ka at Six Flags New Jersey came along and whooped it's a$$ taking 1st place at 456ft. My ambition to ride that beast.


Neo you may want to change the title name for this thread to the official coaster thread as I could post here all day.


You might get the idea I'm a roller coaster addict, YUP :teeth:


Anyone else who's an addict get your info and see what's what around the world @ www.rcdb.com (mental!)

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you line up in rows of 4x8 (think it was) people you then enter a 'fake lift' (that doesn't even move) that is supposed to take you down hundreds of feet but doesn't


you then enter a largish room with 4 rows of seats around the sides, you sit down then a lapbar comes down over all the row.


in the middle of the room is a giant alien egg (nemesis baby) that is being 'scanned' with badly themed lasers that don't even move or shine :lol: suddenly something goes wrong then lights go out and all the rows drop 26 foot, feels lot less, into a 'cavern' below with several more eggs, the lights go out 'again' your dripped with water, not sure whats it's supposed to represent ?!!?!? then you slowly rise (in darkness) to the above level, to see the egg as smashed and lots a of flashing lights and the staff shouting/running around telling you to get out asap.


laps bars rise and you make your way to another fake lift, this time on you way back up all those 100's of feet :rolleyes: this time the lift shakes and seems like it's being attacked by the 'nemesis baby' that you NEVER see, there i said it.


you then exit the fake lift to yet move shouting staff telling you get a move on................. :lol:


all over in less than 5 minutes or so its seemed, if the queue is short give it whirl but never queue for more than 1hr, it's just not worth it :thumbdown:

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  Neo said:

doing thorpe next weekend with the ECC club :yahoo:


wasso you in any coaster clubs ??


I'm not actually, only because this club takes up all my time :lol:


To be fair I'm an addict but don't think I could do a club version of my addiction.


You'll enjoy Thorpe but word of warning get priority passes the queues are around 1hr+

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yeah thorpe is great, been loads of times :D


good thing being in the club is when the public leave we get swarm all to ourselves and if you want you can go behind the scenes if your a true coaster geek, i just ride them.............honest

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  Neo said:

yeah thorpe is great, been loads of times :D


good thing being in the club is when the public leave we get swarm all to ourselves and if you want you can go behind the scenes if your a true coaster geek, i just ride them.............honest


Tell me more :snack:

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there's two main uk clubs -






both clubs do similar trips to parks all over the world, i'm in both just in case one does a trip i like :)



the thorpe trip with the ECC (http://www.coasterclub.org/) costs me a whole £4 as i already have a merlin annual pass, for that we get in around 9am for an 1hr ERS on swarm (exclusive ride session) IE no public just the club, then as mentioned we get swarm again when the public leave the park :teeth:


sometimes on these trips food is also included, all depends on the trip :)


Yes it can be very geeky but at the same time great fun too :yahoo: it's best when they shut a ride down to all the public and only club members can ride it in the middle of the day, the blackpool trip is pretty good for that :yahoo:


coaster geek hat off :blush:

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I'll take a look around nice one :thumbs: I'd so love to have a bash on Kingda ka, 450ft of pure terror!


Went on the incredible hulk in Florida and was rather impressed out of all the rides over 10 days. I really wanted to drop down to Bush Gardens but we may have another trip next year :yahoo:

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  Will370z said:

Wil have to head back there sometime soon loved those rides. Wasn't so great on the black hole though when it jammed to a stop and I head butted the girl in front who I really fancied


:lol: You know how to show a girl a good time Will :lol:


I love coasters....... but have absolutely no patients for standing in a queue longer than 5 minutes :lol: The signs that say "4 hours" "2 hours" etc... make me laugh, I would go home rather than stand in a queue for that long :lol:

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  • 4 months later...

Sorry to drag this up again but..........


it's been slightly improved from the opening day, the seat effects now work and are actually quite painful :scare:


there's also a change to the end part after the second lift, just think of a local funfair 'ghost train' type effects ;) with added strobe lights.


Still not worth it if the queue is any longer than 20-30 mins, my sub standard tag still stands, it's just slightly improved :lol:

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