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Where do you stand.. internet error

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I found something on a website last week that should have been a lot more than it was advertised for...


I bought it, I've paid and received acknowledgement but not the goods as yet... What happens if they figure out that they have sold it to me at the wrong price ?


Are they able to cancel the sale or is the sale final as its their error ???

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its all about contract law and whether they have accepted your money as conclusion of the purchace. Some retailers set up their credit card business so that acceptance is only after the seller has confirmed - not on receipt of monies

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Is it still advertised at the same price............ if so a Screen Shot should do it.


Press the Print Screen button... then open MS Paint and go edit --> Paste..... save as :thumbs:


on a MAC Hold Cmd + Shift + 3 :thumbs:

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I know from my time in retail (albeit in the real world rather than online) that retailers do have some comeback on genuinely mispriced items before the sale is finalised, i.e. 'it says this price on the ticket so you have to sell it to me at this price' isn't actually true. However if you've paid and they've acknowledged reciept of the amount of money you paid for the item you bought, how can that not be finalised? It's not like they think you paid £1300 and you've only paid £20, they've actually said 'thank you for paying us £20 for this item' have they not? You may well have got yourself a hell of a bargain there, whatever it is :thumbs:



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More chance of you lot successfully running a campaign to get me elected as the next Prime Minister under the guise of the 'The Equality for Degu's Party' than you have of receiving that item.


I'll actually bet you the deeds to my left testicle (my favorite one) that you won't.

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Ask yourself this Chris.


What would you do if it was the other way round?


Alex :)


TBH Alex, I don't think I want it for £20... Doesn't feel right and it will haunt me if I do get it.


If it was me I would apologise and point them towards the terms and conditions on the website and then offer them a discount

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Ask yourself this Chris.


What would you do if it was the other way round?


Alex :)


TBH Alex, I don't think I want it for £20... Doesn't feel right and it will haunt me if I do get it.


If it was me I would apologise and point them towards the terms and conditions on the website and then offer them a discount


Are you sure the prospect of Ricey's left testicle arriving in a jiffy bag has not put you off :lol::lol:

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No doubt this will annoy some of you here but I don't really care judging by some of the responses so far.


Does no one on this forum have any sense of honesty, honour and integrity?


How would you feel if someone did that to you and expected you to honour it and were forced to honour it? Pretty cheesed off I think.


To answer Tarmac's question, I don't know the legality of the situation but I would hope that the seller would contact you and explain that there had been a genuine (considering the extreme discrepancy of pricing) mistake rather than hiding behind an "out of stock" excuse and that you would accept this graciously as I am certain that, as a trader, would do if the tables were turned.

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No doubt this will annoy some of you here but I don't really care judging by some of the responses so far.


Does no one on this forum have any sense of honesty, honour and integrity?


How would you feel if someone did that to you and expected you to honour it and were forced to honour it? Pretty cheesed off I think.


To answer Tarmac's question, I don't know the legality of the situation but I would hope that the seller would contact you and explain that there had been a genuine (considering the extreme discrepancy of pricing) mistake rather than hiding behind an "out of stock" excuse and that you would accept this graciously as I am certain that, as a trader, would do if the tables were turned.


Christ lets not start that debate off again! Those bloody brake discs on ebay nearly caused NATO to get involved in the ensuing fall out.

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Does no one on this forum have any sense of honesty, honour and integrity?


Steady on. As far as I can tell, all anyone here has done is try to answer the question as to where Tarmac stands in law with all this. I can't see anyone here saying Tarmac should screw the guy for all he's got because of a mistake. In fact Tarmac himself has suggested that he probably won't accept the item for the price he paid. Let's not blow this out of proportion and make it something it's not.



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Does no one on this forum have any sense of honesty, honour and integrity?


Steady on. As far as I can tell, all anyone here has done is try to answer the question as to where Tarmac stands in law with all this. I can't see anyone here saying Tarmac should screw the guy for all he's got because of a mistake. In fact Tarmac himself has suggested that he probably won't accept the item for the price he paid. Let's not blow this out of proportion and make it something it's not.




Perhaps you are right. But it isn't how I have inferred some of the posts. We all view the world from different perspectives.


I saw Tarmac's response, we crossed in the post.

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Does no one on this forum have any sense of honesty, honour and integrity?


Steady on. As far as I can tell, all anyone here has done is try to answer the question as to where Tarmac stands in law with all this. I can't see anyone here saying Tarmac should screw the guy for all he's got because of a mistake. In fact Tarmac himself has suggested that he probably won't accept the item for the price he paid. Let's not blow this out of proportion and make it something it's not.




What Danny says


It was more, 'blimey look at the price of that so I bought it', not that it makes any odds but it was a big company non car related.






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Does no one on this forum have any sense of honesty, honour and integrity?


Absolutely :thumbs:


If they deliver they have honoured the price posted, if they turn round and say sorry our mistake and refund Chris the money, then thats fair play also.


Just because I said why not... does not make me dishonest :shrug: I know for sure if I found your wallet on the floor full of cash, it would be handed in....... with all the cash still in it :thumbs:

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Just got an email this morning saying item is no longer available as stated on the website, and they have changed the website.


Quite glad about it as I was going to email them and cancel the order any way, couldn't be doing with it on my conscience if I had got it, Karma and all that.


You means it's arrived and your now trying to pretend to all of us that your a good person and would have cancelled it anyway :lol:

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