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Headlining Change


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I couldn't find a 'How to' on here so here is mine :teeth:


Part 1 - Removing the Headlining


I bought a spare headlining off Tom (Chippychip123) who also put me in touch with a good site to get all the materials for recovering it - http://www.boyriven.co.uk


I wanted a spare in case things went a bit wrong, but so far so good so hopefully the spare will be up for sale soon if someone else fancies doing this :thumbs:


First job is to remove the sun visors, this is fairly straight forward, pop off the plastic covers carefully to reveal 2 screws -




and just twist the holders 90 degrees and they pull out




There is am electrical clip to undo when you remove the visor fully (for the light) you just pull it through until you see the connector and carefully unclip it. (forgot to take a pic of that will do it tomorrow :blush: )


Next job is to remove the door seal and A pillar, both very easy, once the seal is off you can see where you need to apply a little pressure to remove the A pillar trim




Then round to the boot, remove the trim where it meets the roof then you will see 4 little poppers which come out really easily, is you lift the headlining carefully you can see exactly where they are




Then you need to remove the interior light fitting, the clear covers come off easily as anyone who has upgraded the bulbs will know but a small amount of pressure on the central bit of plastic pulls that off then you can get a grip and pull the whole assembly out without any fuss, again there is an electrical connector to disconnect obviously for the lights themselves




There are then just 2 clips holding the headlining up at the front which again come away really easily with a little bit of force. Then you have to be careful as the wiring is attacted to the back of the headling, so that has to be unstuck and 2 more connectors unplugged...




Then lastly you need to unclip the trim of the B pillar (again I forgot to take a pic will add tomorrow) and then carefully remove the headlining from the car...




Tomorrow I shall be covering the headlining and plasti-koting the trim around the lights :thumbs:




I will update with the finished results unless it all goes wrong in which case this thread may disappear :blush:

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  SpursMadDave said:
  Wasso said:

Watching with interest and I'll take your spare if all goes well. I'll collect next time I'm down which I'm sure won't be far away.


I want mine to be black :ninja:


Like this?




Yup that's what I'm looking for :thumbs:

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Plasti-koting done :thumbs:




Not too shabby seeing as I am a spraying noob...


Also did a bit of sewing :lol:


Could have dyed the visors but decided to make covers for them :blush:


Just got to plasti-kote the actual mirrors...




Talking of mirrors I now have 14 years bad luck (yes I managed to do both sides) :byebye:




But a friendly local forum member helped me out yet again, thanks Darren :#1:


He even brought a spare, he knows me too well :blush:



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You are doing it Dave :clap:

When shall I book my car in lads? Just tell me what u need to get and should be a laugh.

Subscrided for final results and pics :D

I miss my RSW CF trim now now :blush: can I have it back Dave? lol

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  GT4 Zed said:

You are doing it Dave :clap:

When shall I book my car in lads? Just tell me what u need to get and should be a laugh.

Subscrided for final results and pics :D

I miss my RSW CF trim now now :blush: can I have it back Dave? lol


Ahhh well I am on my 2nd set of RSW trim :wink:


Should all be going back in this morning hopefully :thumbs:

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  Darren-B said:

Looking good Dave, Glad I could put a Shine on the unlucky situation ;)

Don`t worry about the 14years, I gave up counting @ 7842 years :shrug:


Cheers again mate :thumbs: the other alternative was going to be draw a picture of a face on a bit of card and put it in there instead :lol:

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