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In car camera


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I recently bought a HD DVR in car video camera. With a 32GB card, it will record over 18 hours worth of roads. When it reaches the end of the 18 hours it starts automatically recording over what's already on the card.


So, if you used the card on a road trip to the Alps and wanted to save that little bit of pleasure while you were there, how would you do it if you wanted to use the camera for the return trip (+18hrs)?


A 15 minute segment is over 800Mgb and takes about 17 minutes to download to an external hard drive. Not a practical proposition in an internet cafe - and I don't have and don't want to buy a laptop.


Any ideas? :surrender:

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  marzman said:

http://www.mymemory.co.uk is a good place for memory cards. I recently got 2x 32gb class 10 memory cards for £38 (going via Quidco). Bargain.


Thanks for the tip. I'll look into that.


The suggestion of getting a "stash" when potentially ((or otherwise) reliable ones sell for £25 up on E-bay and in shops for double that is stupid. Might as well buy a computer.



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