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Costs of things...


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Really hard to explain but as you can see it was on a bend. He was driving around 50mph on MY side of the road heading to my left (dont think he even turned for the bend) so i slammed on trying to turn away from his direction of travel (my right). He then tried to swerve back onto his side of the road hitting me at an angle. at this point i had pretty much come to a halt. This the pushed the front of my car onto his side of the road hence the final car positions. You cant see from that angle but his wheels are turned left. Bear in mind this all happened in only a couple of seconds.

I was absolutely fuming and ready to kick his arse!! however my rear passenger was hurt and crying out and the other guys girlfriend had hurt her chest from the seatbelt, so i put things to aside and tried to help out. He initially blamed himself but when the police came to the hospital he changed his story (which peed me off even more especially as my friend was lying in a hospital bed!). He then said it was my fault but couldn't explain why?? Mmmm yeah rite! Anyway the police having interviewed the people in the car behind me and the car behing him knew he was lying and in a roundabout way cautioned him on what he was saying and that he could be done for lying etc.. Funny thing was, when i got the solicitors letter through he'd changed his plea again saying that he took full responsability. bloody numpty. :angry::rant:


anyway one gud thing to come out of it is i bought my 350z with the payout!!


More pics, :byebye:








p.s. sorry to highjack the thread. ;)

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