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What a waste of tax payers money


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Just like this terrorist nut that we can't deport because of the EU. Let's waste our money giving him benefits and protecting him in the democratic society he is against! Britain has lost it. Pap him out and stick the fingers up to the EU like other countries do!


http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... l#comments


Don't often agree with the Daily Mail but your on the money. We should pay him to move to Brussels :thumbs:

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What they ought to do, is deport him anyway. Then let the courts bring criminal charges against the home secretary for violating another persons "human rights", and good luck finding 12 jurors that would find anyone guilty of any offence for kicking out a racist, terrorist glorifying preacher. Job done.

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I wonder how much the John Terry trial will cost and what evidence there is? The CPS supposedly have to believe strongly that there will be a conviction to even allow a case to go to crown court these days to avoid wasting tax payers money.

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They've got video evidence of him shouting "f*cking black c*nt" to someone. That, along with the huge bad PR they'd get if they didn't go through with it, is probably enough they feel.


I'll have £5 with anyone now that he's found innocent.

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I wonder how much the John Terry trial will cost and what evidence there is? The CPS supposedly have to believe strongly that there will be a conviction to even allow a case to go to crown court these days to avoid wasting tax payers money.


Isnt the maximum penalty he will get if found guilty just a £2000 fine? Surely for him thats like 5 minutes "work" ?!

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I heard that the £8 million was for the whole bungs in football case not just the case with Redknapp. Even so you have to say was it worth it as nobody was successfully charged throughout the whole enquiry



Interestingly Redknapp wasn't awarded fees so I bet that was quite a bit of legal fees he would of had. I still think he was guilt but it just couldnt be proven in court. Why else would you open of off shore account not in your name

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Maybe like many who pay stupid ammounts in tax each year, he got to the stage where he thought enough was enough. If I were on the jury Id have found him not guilty on principal that he's paid enough already, even if he had got the £180k in a bag with swag written on it.

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They've got video evidence of him shouting "f*cking black c*nt" to someone. That, along with the huge bad PR they'd get if they didn't go through with it, is probably enough they feel.


I'll have £5 with anyone now that he's found innocent.

Didn't realise that! I'd fine him just on the c u next Tuesday!

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