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JAE 2006 info 21-23 july 2006


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Well doing waht I do it is only natural for me to have broadband access from the JAE! So in keeping with informing those that cant make it here is my little report of the dayt so far.

As most of you will know I am a regular on the Oc and new to this site. Although I have no intention of getting involved in any past or present fueds (I like so many others here and "over there" like my car and value the friendships I make through it) I would like to say that it was very nice to meet Valerio today and later on Chesterfield. I would like to say it was very nice to see people getting on and enjoying the day without any malice or bitterness. The OC has maxpowers zed on their stand and it was very nice to see Valerio and Giles having a friendly word. And if proof was needed that people in this world can get along in two seperate car clubs here it is.

Well now the storms are over, and I have a new tent, Hopefully the weather will be better and we can all once again enjoy the weekend.


More later.



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Im so sorry that I never made it.


My business/house move had gone totally pear-shaped and although my son, a friend and I have rescued the business move the house contents is now going into store and I'm becoming a traveller for a few weeks!


Hope you all had a great time and perhaps next year...

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Fantastic weekend guy's :teeth::teeth::teeth::teeth::teeth::teeth::teeth::teeth::teeth::teeth::teeth:


Lovely to meet up with you all and finally put names to faces :D:thumbs:


Tremendous turn out for all 3 days,,, with only a few drop outs :blush:


Wish I could of stayed longer today... Hopefully it's much more sunny now ;)


Catch you all later,,, and remember



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quick word to say what a great weekend we had!



need to go watch GnR concert @ the MEN Arena but I have uploaded my pics on the gallery, will comment later on!


All I can say is: Saturday: 16 cars on our stand today 13, with many different people from yesterday.



I can safely say it was a success, for those who showed their cars on our stand, hope you liked our little "thank you" present and hope you'll proudly wear it at the next meets! :teeth:




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Hi guys - Im absolutely shattered, so will leave my full review until later this evening after Ive had a kip.


Just a quick thankyou to all those who attended, and all those who visited.


I shall post the fex pics that I have later, and I'm sure the pictures from those with the more professional cameras will do the event more justice.


Thanks again guys, and Ill be back later after Ive had a little lie down. :teeth::yawn:


As this topic was fo rthe orgainisation of JAE, I am now locking it, for the "after event" chat, please see this topic.



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