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7 inch android tablet


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Im looking for a 7inch android tablet, not bothered about the make, to be honest the cheaper the better.


The screen needs to be 7inch as I want it to go in my cubby.

Has to have gps as I want to use google maps for navigation.

Would need to run either honeycomb or ice cream sandwich as the device would only require one hardware button


Not bothered about the condition of it as the casing will come off to enable it to fit



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Please check following link:




I'm sure you will funnd something cheap!


Please just double check the viewing angles because one of my friends got on 10.1" with Android 2.3 and the angles are not great to be honest!


Some of them may be interesting like Ainolo Novo 7 - as far as I know there was 3 models on the market lately so please double check the Spec!


Let me know about progress.


My friend ordered tablet from above website so you can be sure you will recieve goods:)



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If all you are bothered about is satnav then I can recommend the navman panoramic.


7" screen just need to wire up an on / off switch and power and your done.


I thought about a tablet but unless you are going to run your iPod through it etc what actual use is it? Having google and aps etc is pretty pointless when you have a phone in your pocket...


Anyway a navman panoramic is £149 :thumbs:



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Probably you would find some:


http://chinagrabber.com/g718-gps-androi ... d-8gb.aspx


But need a bit of digging.


I do not know anything about above one.


It looks like they don't add GPS to the 7" ones with Android 4.0 yet.


You can find lots of tablets with Android 2.3 and GPS on board.


Check some forums for reviews.


I was thinking about Ainol for myself but I will wait and see Ipad 3 and then decide:)


But it is a cheap alternative so it just can't be as good as other ones like Ipad or Samsung ones.

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  GoralGT said:
Probably you would find some:


http://chinagrabber.com/g718-gps-androi ... d-8gb.aspx


But need a bit of digging.


I do not know anything about above one.


It looks like they don't add GPS to the 7" ones with Android 4.0 yet.


You can find lots of tablets with Android 2.3 and GPS on board.


Check some forums for reviews.


I was thinking about Ainol for myself but I will wait and see Ipad 3 and then decide:)


But it is a cheap alternative so it just can't be as good as other ones like Ipad or Samsung ones.


That 1 looks a good bet you know :)

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  SpursMadDave said:

If all you are bothered about is satnav then I can recommend the navman panoramic.


7" screen just need to wire up an on / off switch and power and your done.


I thought about a tablet but unless you are going to run your iPod through it etc what actual use is it? Having google and aps etc is pretty pointless when you have a phone in your pocket...


Anyway a navman panoramic is £149 :thumbs:




Did you solder the on/off button? And have you left the device in its casing or have you taken the casing off?

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It came out of its case



You can see the on / off is a slider so I got a small button and soldered it on, push turns it on / off push and hold resets it if you need to....


I put the button out of the way, you can just see it here -




Speed cams cost me £20 for the year and I just got a live traffic adapter for it, £30 and no subscription works a treat :thumbs:

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