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Tyre insurance?


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Did you take it with porsche or elsewhere mate?

A few people told me to shop around as bmw was expensive and that im cheaper going straight to the insurer direct,

It was arranged via Porsche, I suspect the actual insurer is the VAG group though unless they sub it out to someone else.

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Did you take it with porsche or elsewhere mate?

A few people told me to shop around as bmw was expensive and that im cheaper going straight to the insurer direct,

It was arranged via Porsche, I suspect the actual insurer is the VAG group though unless they sub it out to someone else.

Definately worth it if you have run flats, without a doubt

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To be fair this is the first car I've had with run flats and I've never actually spent more than £120 on a tyre! :blush:


Still think its a rip off though (perhaps not if it had rim protection too - now that I would get my moneysworth out of :lol: ).......well unless you get your nailgun out :p

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It was arranged via Porsche, I suspect the actual insurer is the VAG group though unless they sub it out to someone else.

Definately worth it if you have run flats, without a doubt

Runflats? On a Porsche?! Dahlink, one is offended by such a suggestion! :lol::lol:



S'okay, I know you were referring to the BMW :p

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It was arranged via Porsche, I suspect the actual insurer is the VAG group though unless they sub it out to someone else.

Definately worth it if you have run flats, without a doubt

Runflats? On a Porsche?! Dahlink, one is offended by such a suggestion! :lol::lol:



S'okay, I know you were referring to the BMW :p


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Exactly what I'm talking about. You love this.


What you said genuinely caused offence


There is no love in "this" I am not "targetting" you as i suspect you think i am. I only reply on something that is in my eyes extrememly "offensive" that someone seems almost proud of abusing a system.


if you post stuff like that expect to get picked up on it. :shrug: but i tend to feel its not that you've been challenged on it, its the fact that i've done it. if it had been someone else you probably wouldn't be so defensive. I'm guessing you'd be happier if i no longer posted on here any more; i don't know what your issue is with me but i'm sad to inform you i will be sticking around and continueing to post for a looooooooooooong time to come.


i personally think i've been quiet diplomatic about it, as i've tried not to let my full personal feelings about this influence my post and make it "personal"


I'm not after social acceptance on here, this is a fantasy world where people like to act like someone who they really aren't.


as for social acceptance this more than evident; are you acting like someone your not? i'd like to point out you get what you see with me, and as in "real" life i will happily challenge things. your more than welcome to pm me if you wish to discuss this in private. or even copy and paste a moderator in to the messages if you prefer.

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One thing I would say to watch with these things, is if you do claim, you may get backlisted if you claim too often. Insurers are getting very savvy with people claiming these things and have systems to spot the patterns. And if you get backlisted that will be it for ALL your insurance. House, life, car, the lot. A woman who use to work with my old man abused her insurance, got blacklisted and couldnt get insurance in her name for a good few years.

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I'm guessing you'd be happier if i no longer posted on here any more; i don't know what your issue is with me but i'm sad to inform you i will be sticking around and continueing to post for a looooooooooooong time to come.

Keep fishing ! :thumbs:


Have fun buddy !

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The only insurance I have is phone (because its free with my bank) and stuff that you have to have i.e. car, house, travel....


Any optional insurance is in my mind a waste if time, it is either overpriced because of the mentality that everybody falsly claims so if you don't your a fool, or it is just pointless as you end up basically paying for whatever you are insuring anyway....


There are of course exceptions but I would rather enjoy my life and worry about people more than possessions really :shrug:

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So by the same school of thought, if car insurance was optional would you not have that either?


Genuine question, not trying to be picky or owt :)


Ekona....? picky....? surely not ;)


Anyway if car insurance was optional I wouldn't drive a car as it is just as much protection for others as for yourself :thumbs:


I was talking more about 'accidental' insurance cover, which lets be honest is so open to abuse as quite clearly shown in this thread.


This reminds me a bit of the other thread on here about benefits, yes you can cheat any system and if that makes you feel big and you can sleep soundly then well done you, but I am glad I am not you :)


Disclaimer - if the word 'you' or my description of 'you' bears any relation to a forum member then it is purely coincidental and also quite amusing to me :lol:

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I think the use of these kinds of insurance policies really depends on your financial circumstances, your attitude to risk and whether your the sort of person that will 'play the system' and claim to your advantage.


Personally, I couldn't do that. I know its the way of the world and most people do now, but I don't feel comfortable with it.


One of the best bits of financial advise I've read over the years is if its a policy you NEED i.e. House, car etc...then shop around EVERY YEAR for it and get it as cheap as you can (ensuring adequate cover of course but not over covered) and maybe asking for additions for free such as gadget ins on your house ins.


All the others are a waist of money if your not gonna play the game. If you add up all the monthly payments to insurances and extended warranties etc its a lot of money.


Chances are, if you actually saved that money or even half of it, you would have more than enough to cover any unexpected outlay's for a leaky tap, boiler breakdowns, a new tyre, a new phone. The chances of all these things going wrong at the same time is VERY unlikely......but that's where your attitude to risk comes in.


I've saved myself hundreds of pounds since realising this and I'm much happier for it. :)

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Anyway if car insurance was optional I wouldn't drive a car as it is just as much protection for others as for yourself :thumbs:

Really? I'd still drive and I would definitely have the insurance if it was optional, much like they do in the US. I do have mobile phone insurance but only because it makes life a bit easier if the worst was to happen, and my job also means that I lose/break a phone at least a couple of times a year on average so it saves me money overall.


I don't think I've got any other optional insurances (other than the tyre/wheel one already mentioned), although I'm looking at getting some extra life cover soon just in case anything should happen to me. Oh, I've got GAP insurance on the car too if that counts.

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some insurance is worth while but alot of it is just easy cash for insurance companies, for instance the electrical stores like comet who try and flog you extended cover etc.


if your clumsy then of course its worth while or if you're dishonest then its still beneficial, as i fall into neither catergory i don't tend to take them out.


i've had a mobile phones since 2000, and only ever had 1 break on me in 12 years, so mob insurance seems surplus to requirement. but like dan says if your out and about doing a physical job the risk is higher.


tyre insurance is a funny one; in 13 years of driving i've had 3 punctures, and all of which were repairable at a cost of £30 each; so i've spent £90 in 13 years, also i don't liek the idea of changing just 1 tyre, so at least with a repair the tread depths will match across the axle.

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