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Evo Mags


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As im going to be moving house in 2 months,no doubt this topic will come up with Estelle.

I have a fair few Evo car mags going back nearly 10 years must be now. Alot of which are in a box in the garage,some of whiich are at my dad place in Essex. Are they worth anything,ie should i try to sell them,or should i throw them away,or should i just keep them. I dont have the 1st one unfortunately,as i know they are worth alot!

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If they're in good nick I don't mind giving you a few quid for them, although to be honest I do have a fair few years already so would need to check on exactly which ones I'd be interested in. If you could find out the dates of them then I'm sure we could work something out.

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other option might be to donate them.


i give all my read ones to my school, it really helps the boys to read and encourages them into the library, they love car magazines and most school librarys appreciate them.


just ring one up and see what they say.

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I'm in far greater need than schoolkids. They can get to the back of the queue! :boxing:;)


I donate my old mags that I don't collect to Jo to take into school for the kids, so they end up with good-as-new copies of Car, Focus and Edge subscriber copies before they actually hit the shops. The only ones I keep are Evo (despite preferring Car as a mag), Total 911 and the PCGB club mag.

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I'm in far greater need than schoolkids. They can get to the back of the queue! :boxing:;)


I donate my old mags that I don't collect to Jo to take into school for the kids, so they end up with good-as-new copies of Car, Focus and Edge subscriber copies before they actually hit the shops. The only ones I keep are Evo (despite preferring Car as a mag), Total 911 and the PCGB club mag.


Maybe it's an age thing,but I'm subscribed to Car and Evo,and much prefer Evo. When I change address,il be cancelling my Car. Or maybe it's just me. Who know. If you want some of my Cars and Evo mags,then il do a deal with you. Like I said,I have a few years worth at my dads,and as many if not more here at the house.

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I sold my entire collection of "Autosport" on EBay, only missing 3 from 1971 through to 1992. I also had a few from 1968-72. Put them on EBay expecting or hoping to get £25 for the lot of them. In the end 2 guys had a bidding frenzy and I finished up getting £150 :yahoo: . Guy drove down from Nottingham to pick them up, they weighed an absolute ton. Sad to let them go but they were taking up a crazy amount of space.



When I moved house in 1978 I made a bonfire with all the other magazines I'd collected over the years, they included MotorSport (monthly), Autocar and Motor and gave away the 1,000 or so football programs that I had :blush:




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Here's an idea.............. something we do over here, and a way to bring newbies to the club, put a donated by 350z-uk.com sticker on them, at your local dealer or workshop that has the odd Zed through. Walla........ they'll come to find out more. :yahoo:

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