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always said i would be back


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just like big arnold schwarzenegger says... B)



so...iv not had a 350z since i sold it to another sound member on here in august/september 2009! regretted selling it since because all thats happened since then was "that evo"! which did nothing but break, constantly have niggles, parts ( which in my case, required what seemed like an endless list of stuff! ) a lot more pricey than other cars. just generally left me with a terrible sour opinion of them. I dont ever want another actually. that and the fact the owners club is like a childs playground with arguments left right and centre. sold that evo in october last year.


things have settled down car wise for me, got myself a bmw turbo diesel in july last year for the daily driving, i love it but i need a toy something to work on, the rx7 iv had for almost 6 years now has also been split down and sold as parts so defo need something else to fly the company flag, attend events and go to shows with:)


anyways, for months iv quietly kept my eyes on the zeds that have been floating about for sale, and for the last week iv been exchanging emails with a really sound chap who is presently selling what is to me, the perfect new project car. GT extras, low miles, and in black! which was one of the colours i was ideally after too. during the afternoon on sunday we came to an agreement on price, and i told him il take it :)


so now iv got to sort out a way to get down to birmingham ish area sometime quite soon, shooting for this weekend. still not sure how to do it. its a little late to book a cheap flight and get the lowest rates at such short notice so im thinking its gonna be the train. can someone recommend me a good website to book up cheap train tickets?


and thats all for now, but yes, i will soon be back behind the wheel of a 350z :)


it will be nice to be able to join you at some events and not feel so much like a foreigner in a different car :D and il be able to fit all of the machined engine bay parts for you and supply decent pictures, plus come up with new things :)

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  MWTech said:
wasso thats a very generous offering, still sorting out a day that suites me and the seller but i will let you know if it turns out to be sunday, thanks very much


I'm def free this Sunday, but the weekend after I'm away at the Zed Shed (Keyser's)

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well, train booked and all the rest of the usual jazz


provided all being well, i will be returning home with a 350z on wednesday this week :)


looking forward to it


thanks again wasso for the very generous offer of driving me about, but this is the best day for me and the seller. its also in lichfield too, not totally in birmingham i believe?


not looking forward to catching the train at 7am though haha!! il be catching up on my zZzZzZzZz's on the way down!

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Well, I was placed at risk with my employer on the 4th Jan and currently having my 4th consultation this morning, so I maybe at home doing sod all on Wednesday, I'll keep you posted if I'm no longer an employee :thumbs:

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'kin hell mate, hope it all works out for you :thumbs:


  Wasso said:
Well, I was placed at risk with my employer on the 4th Jan and currently having my 4th consultation this morning, so I maybe at home doing sod all on Wednesday, I'll keep you posted if I'm no longer an employee :thumbs:
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  glrnet said:
'kin hell mate, hope it all works out for you :thumbs:


  Wasso said:
Well, I was placed at risk with my employer on the 4th Jan and currently having my 4th consultation this morning, so I maybe at home doing sod all on Wednesday, I'll keep you posted if I'm no longer an employee :thumbs:


I might be detailing full time sooner than I thought :wave:

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  Wasso said:
Well, I was placed at risk with my employer on the 4th Jan and currently having my 4th consultation this morning, so I maybe at home doing sod all on Wednesday, I'll keep you posted if I'm no longer an employee :thumbs:

@*!# on a stick dude!!!

Hope it all turns out alright for you.

I can relate cos I was in a similar position these two months just gone.

Got suspended November, dismissed in December, appealed in January.

Won appeal and got job back.

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  BulletMagnet said:
  Wasso said:
Well, I was placed at risk with my employer on the 4th Jan and currently having my 4th consultation this morning, so I maybe at home doing sod all on Wednesday, I'll keep you posted if I'm no longer an employee :thumbs:

@*!# on a stick dude!!!

Hope it all turns out alright for you.

I can relate cos I was in a similar position these two months just gone.

Got suspended November, dismissed in December, appealed in January.

Won appeal and got job back.


Yeah it is a bit of a sh!t, but hey ho, that's life. Gota get on with these things, it's my 6th redundancy in 20 years, so I'm fully up to speed with getting made redundant :lol:


I will be taking further action against the company anyway, I was on jury service for 4 months, returned on the 4th January and was then handed my letter placing me at risk. So I'll be taking this further don't you worry ;) If they did offer my job back, I'd tell them to shove it! :boxing:

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