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Government Benefit reforms?


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  Chesterfield said:
Ive also recent learned of some VERY clever tax avoidance schemes. One in particular is actually funny, as it uses HMRCs own legislation against them to result in a zero tax payable on dividends. All perfectly legal for now, and would give HMRC a big headache if they wanted to legislate against it, as it would mean reversing legislation that is currently used to try and prevent another avoidance measure. Im not undertaking any as I cant be bothered with the sword of damocles hanging over me for 5-7 years while HMRC decide what they can do about it. But if anyone is seriously interested drop me a pm and you can talk to your accountant about it.

Could have told me before I wound down my old company :p:lol:

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A girl i know stayed in a council flat with her kid, government paid £260 per month rent for her.

Last year her friend divorced and offered to rent her a private house. She told the council she wanted to move home, council allowed it, now there paying £450 per month to her friend.

Moral of this story is, if you work and you can only afford a council flat then thats what you get, you cant just decide to upgrade as you cant afford it.

The other thing to take into consideration is if the girl got a job she could possibly afford her rent on the council flat, but now she cant afford to take a job as her rent would be to much to pay from her salary! :wacko:

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Nowadays theres no stigma attached to being unemployed and claiming benefits.37 odd years ago when my father was a miner and forced to go on strike i went to school and had free school dinners,felt ashamed even tho i was only 14 years old.Nearly 50 now :thumbdown: and can honestly say have never claimed a penny. :thumbs:

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Tax avoidance is fair game, no different to blagging free beer when Tesco muck up their spend a fiver and we give you free stuff kind of offers. HMRC are the most incompetent bunch of c*nts I've ever dealt with, and if they're too retarded to close loopholes then fair play to people who use them.

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  stuarty said:
Ive lived in the same house all my life (37 years) and i have been fortunate enough to have never claimed any benefits. The only thing ive had free is my uni tuition fees paid.

One of my friends stayed in a flat that he had a mortgage on. He meet a girl that had 3 kids to different fathers. He sold his flat mortgaged a 4 bed semi and moved in with his new bit of slack!

He now has his address at his parents, although he stays with his bag and kids in the semi. She claims single parent benefits for her and the kids and she also gets £600 a month housing benefit paid straight to him as he is pretending to be her landlord!

He was bragging that the government was paying the mortgage and giving them around £800 per month in other benefits. By he way he has a really good paying job. :angry:



and this is what this is for http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/MoneyTaxAnd ... G_10014876


report the bastard, if no one says anything they;ll keep getting away with it. he is at the end of the day, spending your money

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House of lords voted tonight against limiting benefits to just over £26000. They have decided child benefit cant be taken into account!

Whats the point in voting during an election if the people your voting for cant make any decisions without the go ahead from a bunch of unelected no users sitting in the house of Lords.

I dont want to open a can of worms here, but when the time comes for us Scots to vote for or against independence this is something I for one will reflect upon!

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  rtbiscuit said:
  Ekona said:
And you think things will be better? :lol:


they will for us :lol:


Don't get started on this topic boys. Why is it that you believe the Scottish are sponging off the UK economy? I like our country being part of the UK but I firmly believe it could hold its own. Don't believe everything you read - if England would be so well off without Scotland, it would of cut its ties many years ago!

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  Ekona said:
Tax avoidance is fair game, no different to blagging free beer when Tesco muck up their spend a fiver and we give you free stuff kind of offers. HMRC are the most incompetent bunch of c*nts I've ever dealt with, and if they're too retarded to close loopholes then fair play to people who use them.


So then if a scrounger finds loopholes and claims £26k a year that's fair game too :thumbs:

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  Cragus said:
  rtbiscuit said:
  Ekona said:
And you think things will be better? :lol:


they will for us :lol:


Don't get started on this topic boys. Why is it that you believe the Scottish are sponging off the UK economy? I like our country being part of the UK but I firmly believe it could hold its own. Don't believe everything you read - if England would be so well off without Scotland, it would of cut its ties many years ago!

If Scotland was independent before the Thatcher years we would have been a wealthy wee country.

I dont think westminster is taking the whole independence thing serious. I also think that an independent Scotland could be a successful Scotland. If it all goes tits up and we end up in the @*!#, at least it will be our own @*!#.

After all we Scots have got a reputation for being tight when it comes to spending a coin, being prudent with our wealth could end up being our greatest asset.

Freedom!! :lol:

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  Cragus said:
  rtbiscuit said:
  Ekona said:
And you think things will be better? :lol:


they will for us :lol:


Don't get started on this topic boys. Why is it that you believe the Scottish are sponging off the UK economy? I like our country being part of the UK but I firmly believe it could hold its own. Don't believe everything you read - if England would be so well off without Scotland, it would of cut its ties many years ago!


i'm not saying that,


its better for us as we won't have to keep putting up with your winging that you want to be independent. i say go for it. but its a mighty brave country that picks up the euro at the moment and thats what bonnie scotland will have to do, because from what i can see westminster aren't planning on letting them keep the pound, even if it is that funny money you lot use up there.

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If only 26k was the peak it would be bad enough. My boss says his wife, who works part time at a post office, has to pay several clients over £1000 per week. THATS PER WEEK!!!! They have to come in twice as they are only allowed to collect £600 or so at a time. Cheeky barstewards travel there in a taxi. Many years ago I knew a woman, through the father of her 2 kids, who had a council house. She then decided to go and live with her sister in Poole so gave the house to another sister & husband. 6 weeks later she returned and rented a 3 bedroom house & gave the monthly bill to the council, who of course were obliged to pay it. Absolute madness. The trouble is they learn the rules, and how to use them, from those who are already fleecing the system. I knew a mother who worked for the council who used her knowledge. She rented a room in her 3 bedroom house to her boyfriend (oh sorry, lodger) that the council paid for. One of her daughters had 5 kids and never did a days work in her life and of course milked the system. Lots of us have probably laughed ourselves silly watching Shameless, but at times, it's probably very near to the truth. Oh and yes, a lot of alcholics do get beer money daily, one of the things that I was absolutely gobsmacked at when I heard it.

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  SpursMadDave said:
  Ekona said:
Tax avoidance is fair game, no different to blagging free beer when Tesco muck up their spend a fiver and we give you free stuff kind of offers. HMRC are the most incompetent bunch of c*nts I've ever dealt with, and if they're too retarded to close loopholes then fair play to people who use them.


So then if a scrounger finds loopholes and claims £26k a year that's fair game too :thumbs:



Tax loopholes get closed. Benefit caps get rejected. Tax loopholes are also legal. Pretending to have a bad back and be unable to walk whilst simultaneously enjoying your Harley Davidson and playing golf at the weekend is not.

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  stuarty said:

After all we Scots have got a reputation for being tight when it comes to spending a coin, being prudent with our wealth could end up being our greatest asset.

Freedom!! :lol:


I do wonder how the Scottish National Party intend to fund the health service in Scotland once they gain independence. The sums really do not add up there, but why let that get in the way of blind patriotism :lol:

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  Chesterfield said:
  SpursMadDave said:
  Ekona said:
Tax avoidance is fair game, no different to blagging free beer when Tesco muck up their spend a fiver and we give you free stuff kind of offers. HMRC are the most incompetent bunch of c*nts I've ever dealt with, and if they're too retarded to close loopholes then fair play to people who use them.


So then if a scrounger finds loopholes and claims £26k a year that's fair game too :thumbs:



Tax loopholes get closed. Benefit caps get rejected. Tax loopholes are also legal. Pretending to have a bad back and be unable to walk whilst simultaneously enjoying your Harley Davidson and playing golf at the weekend is not.



Benefit fraud is equal to tax evasion ;)


Chris - my mum has some stories to tell on the benefit fraud front. Its stupid the things that the CPS decide not to prosecute because of :angry:

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  Chesterfield said:
  stuarty said:

After all we Scots have got a reputation for being tight when it comes to spending a coin, being prudent with our wealth could end up being our greatest asset.

Freedom!! :lol:


I do wonder how the Scottish National Party intend to fund the health service in Scotland once they gain independence. The sums really do not add up there, but why let that get in the way of blind patriotism :lol:


I'm looking forward to seeing how they pay for their free education as well,


i do wish them the best with it, but having to use the euro might tie them in to a whole heap of issues that may put a halt to some of their grand ideas as they end up having to help bail out europe

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  Chesterfield said:
  SpursMadDave said:
  Ekona said:
Tax avoidance is fair game, no different to blagging free beer when Tesco muck up their spend a fiver and we give you free stuff kind of offers. HMRC are the most incompetent bunch of c*nts I've ever dealt with, and if they're too retarded to close loopholes then fair play to people who use them.


So then if a scrounger finds loopholes and claims £26k a year that's fair game too :thumbs:



Tax loopholes get closed. Benefit caps get rejected. Tax loopholes are also legal. Pretending to have a bad back and be unable to walk whilst simultaneously enjoying your Harley Davidson and playing golf at the weekend is not.


There is a difference between loopholes and benefit fraud though - same as tax avoidance and tax evasion.


If you provide a benefit state then expect human nature to abuse it.


Same with tax - if you provide the latitude to abuse it then you have got to expect it to be abused.


Only way to tackle it is to match benefits that you 'would' receive if you sat on your fat, stagnant, STI ridden, child siring, The Sun reading, Big Brother watching, artery clogging, Greggs chomping, toddler ear pearcing, impotent arse by how much you will earn in gainful employment (topping up to the level of the benefits) - then if people refuse to work cut the benefits. Simples!!!


In the mean time with all the money saved pay for all the poor old bastards who are freezing to death every winter.


And before anyone pipes up - there are shedloads of jobs......anyone who says they can't find a job actually means they can't find a job they want (i.e one on 26k a year that requires 20 hours hard graft a week and requires no skills, education or motivation to perform).

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I earn only a bit more than £26k at the minute. Modest 2 bed flat with an 80% mortgage.. Im spending what I earn each month.


I must be daft. I could get that much for f-all.


Instead I work 40+ hours a week dealing with the scum of life. 3 fights and one knife pulled on me at work this week alone.


And the MP's are upset because they are getting served soggy chips: http://news.sky.com/home/politics/article/16154782

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  rancer said:
I earn only a bit more than £26k at the minute. Modest 2 bed flat with an 80% mortgage.. Im spending what I earn each month.


I must be daft. I could get that much for f-all.


Instead I work 40+ hours a week dealing with the scum of life. 3 fights and one knife pulled on me at work this week alone.


And the MP's are upset because they are getting served soggy chips: http://news.sky.com/home/politics/article/16154782


But you can be proud that you don't and the beer at the end of the week tastes that little bit sweeter than the scumbags 8th beer of a Monday morning.

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  Ricey said:
  rancer said:
I earn only a bit more than £26k at the minute. Modest 2 bed flat with an 80% mortgage.. Im spending what I earn each month.


I must be daft. I could get that much for f-all.


Instead I work 40+ hours a week dealing with the scum of life. 3 fights and one knife pulled on me at work this week alone.


And the MP's are upset because they are getting served soggy chips: http://news.sky.com/home/politics/article/16154782


But you can be proud that you don't and the beer at the end of the week tastes that little bit sweeter than the scumbags 8th beer of a Monday morning.


Monday afternoon, no reason to get up on a monday morning, well unless you are recording your appearance on the Jeremy Kyle show of course

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