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What happened to the Europerformance thread?


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they may be reviewing it just to make sure the forum doesn't get held responsible for any legal action for posting someones personal details up.


I'm sure i remember a situation a while back where a member did this to another member and they got banned, but this was after a warning.


they may just need to edit it before bringing it back, or locking it. who knows, but I'm sure when they've had time to discus it they'll post up a response.

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I moved it to the deleted section as in my opinion the details were getting too personal. I realise that the info is probably all available on the internet but in my opinion posting electoral role details (including OTHER people at the address) is going too far.


I realise that people (including yourself) were trying to help and the information provided probably would. I just feel it was sailing too close to being a witch hunt on here.


The thread is in tact just hidden from public view so the OP can request the details from it.

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Good point Rich :thumbs:


they may be reviewing it just to make sure the forum doesn't get held responsible for any legal action for posting someones personal details up.


I'm sure i remember a situation a while back where a member did this to another member and they got banned, but this was after a warning.


they may just need to edit it before bringing it back, or locking it. who knows, but I'm sure when they've had time to discus it they'll post up a response.

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OP got his money back? :shrug:


Hope so that would be a quality result for 48 hours turn around. I might even print that one off and put it in my book.


'How To - Defeating The Modern Day Cretin and The Blight They Create on Society Along With The Verminous Companies They Force Upon The Long Suffering World'


Thats cools Stew - it is all available via google but I get the drift. Hopefully he'll drop the geezer a line.


Is it worth popping it back up with those bits edited out - if he wants them he can just pm me......just so he's still got eyeball on it?


Nay bother if not like.

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It does make me laugh, a company treats its customer like dirt, customer gets creative and drags it out into the open, company feels its unfair. You see it in the press all the time (btw not having a go at mods or anything here - doing the right thing guys) I just get annoyed at businesses who treat people badly then when they are exposed as a shambles in public they suddenly bend over backwards. Shame it takes a public flogging for them to get their act together really.


Makes you realise how valuable the likes of CS, Alex, Tarmac etc are on here who are absolutely on the ball when it comes to customer service :thumbs:

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It does make me laugh, a company treats its customer like dirt, customer gets creative and drags it out into the open, company feels its unfair. You see it in the press all the time (btw not having a go at mods or anything here - doing the right thing guys) I just get annoyed at businesses who treat people badly then when they are exposed as a shambles in public they suddenly bend over backwards. Shame it takes a public flogging for them to get their act together really.


Makes you realise how valuable the likes of CS, Alex, Tarmac etc are on here who are absolutely on the ball when it comes to customer service :thumbs:


I agree but it would be a sticky situation if the OP happened to be a total psychopath and decided to visit the chap and leather the living turd out of him.


I'm accessory to murder then! :scare:

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I've PM'd the OP of the thread advising of my action, copied you in Ricey so if the OP wants the info you can pass it over.


Thanks for seeing the predicament we're in on this type of things. I'd love to post all the details however we don't know if this is just a mistake or if the guy is a total sheister.

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I've PM'd the OP of the thread advising of my action, copied you in Ricey so if the OP wants the info you can pass it over.


Thanks for seeing the predicament we're in on this type of things. I'd love to post all the details however we don't know if this is just a mistake or if the guy is a total sheister.


To be honest my main objective in these instances is literally to get an email address to the head of whatever organisation I'm trying to harass.


This guy has left so much information lying around about himself I got a bit carried away! :lol:


Bottom line this guy probably doesn't have a clue about this issue which is always why its good to email him first - he's probably bust his ass setting that company up and if a problem isn't being sorted and is getting him bad PR an email from a consumer is likely to send him into a nuclear rage with whomever is causing the issue.

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I missed all the fun again :(


I missed the Waseem fun aswell, probably lucky or I'd have probably got banned with Fiddy :lol:


Nothing that interesting mate - bloke got fleeced by website so I hunted down the owners name, email address, phone number, address and a piccie of his house which was a little extreme!


Then someone decided to post up all the details of the voters roll at his property and a very unusual facebook profile of a 60 year old man with particularly offensive facial hair, who lives in Oz......I think he may have had the wrong person. :lol:

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