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Festive driving (all 700 miles of it)


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I live in Derbyshire. Lydia's family live in Essex (Mayland - right on the ar$e end of England). My folks live near Crewe. I had to be back in work in Nottingham on the 27th. Can you see what's coming?


Yep - over 700 miles of blissful Zed driving. Had some scares on the A14 towards Stanstead - the new Falken tyres still had delivery compound on them and were slippy as hell in the rain. Wheel spin at 70mph in FIFTH (and the resulting fishtailing) scared the sh1t out of some drivers behind me...and if truth be told, scared the sh1t out of me too! :blush: And this was with light acceleration overtaking a truck after being flashed out by the car behind me...


Other than this, the car was rock-solid. The drive back to Derbyshire at midnight on Boxing Day was awesome. I managed to hook up with a bloke in a V8 Range Rover and the two of us basically owned the A14 and M1...there was no other traffic. Even at "motorway" *ahem* *cough* speeds the Zed was returning 27MPG :teeth:


The drive back from Crewe the next day (having visited my folks) was a little more subdued due to traffic and lots of flashing blue lights that kept flying past me on the A50. Despite this i still managed some exhilirating driving and was quite impressed with the number of drivers who saw the Zed approaching from behind them and politely pulled out of the way. I tried quite hard at a few junctions to upset the Falkens, but they seem nice and grippy now that the compound has burnt off.


I dread to think what it cost me in fuel - but it was a fun way to spend several hours over the Festive period...and i managed to see both sets of folks too.


Of course, if it had been snowing . . . :lol:





EDIT - just done the maths. On an approx distance of 700 miles with an average MPG of 27, thats 25.92 gallons, or about 117 litres of fuel. At about £1.34 per litre of Super at Tesco, that equals about £156 in fuel. Bolloxs! I should have driven faster and harder! :lol:

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Sounds a great drive, Zeds eat up that mileage with ease. :drive1


Glad you enjoyed the drive mate :thumbs: When I get a new set of tyres.... I always find a burn out or two normally takes away that film you were talking about :lol::blush:

Or gentle drive on a few twisty roads, until the compound is gone. ;)

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