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Where to attach runout gauge?


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Hi All,


I'm going to be changing my front discs in the next week or so and want to check the disc runout to avoid any problems with DTV in the future. I have purchased a dial gauge with a magnetic base in order to measure the runout.


I did a dry run last time I had the wheels off and the problem is that I can't find anything to attach the magnetic base to as all of the suspension and front axle parts seem to be aluminium. Does anyone know of any steel parts around there that I can attach my runout gauge to or do I need to find a big piece of steel to attach it to on the ground underneath to hold it steady?





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Fitted the new discs and pads today and attached the runout gauge base to a jack stand. This seemed to have enough mass and stability to get the readings done. Managed to get the discs to 0.03mm runout on both sides after cleaning up the hubs so I'm happy for the moment.

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