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Subs Volume is not being controlled by the stereo


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I wired in a Sub to my car but the volume on the Sub is not going up and down with the stereos volume , I have the RCA leads in the sub out sockets of the radio so not sure where im going wrong , Its a cheap china unit but ther rest of the bits on it are ok so cant see why the sub out wouldnt work , there is a Line out with a red and white i could try as well , the others ( FR LL FR RR) are in the ICT adapter .


Any ideas guys ?

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I wired in a Sub to my car but the volume on the Sub is not going up and down with the stereos volume , I have the RCA leads in the sub out sockets of the radio so not sure where im going wrong , Its a cheap china unit but ther rest of the bits on it are ok so cant see why the sub out wouldnt work , there is a Line out with a red and white i could try as well , the others ( FR LL FR RR) are in the ICT adapter .


Any ideas guys ?


First make sure everything is plugged in, then check the rca's are on in the headunits setting. Then plug it into a new headunit or hi fi if the plug reaches and see what happens.


Is it loud or not loud at all? Check your grounds too :thumbs:

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Thanks guys ,


Amp ect all fine , all wiring is fine the only thing not 100% is were the RCA leads are going.


The way it is now i have the front L+R going to the red and white on the ICT adapter , The RCA Leads going to the Rear L+R on the head unit and the black and yellow ( Rear Speakers ) on the ICT Adapter in the L+R Out on the head unit , for some reason anything in the sub out or the L+R out isn't being controlled by the volume on the unit , its not to bad as it was since the only thing wrong is that the rear car speakers are on mid volume at all times unless muted.

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I would check the settings on the headunit. The way you have it wired wont be good for sound quality. You should wire it correctly then check settings, its possible you have some kind of rear/sub pairing setting. If you plug the sub into the correct sub out and the rears (yellow/black) into the rear outs can you fade front to back correctly? If you can see if your sub fades with the speakers.


It may be the headunit is setup for front/rear-sub like some headunits with only 2 pairs of preouts are.

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well iv had a scout through the menu but nothing on there about Sub volume , today while out getting some carpet for the box i bought a lead that converts standard speaker wire to RCA Leads so i am thinking i could splice into the speaker wire that is working with the volume control and connect the subs to that , Or get a bass controller that sits between the RCA leads.


With this little cable i also have the option of putting the BOSE back in and retaining the Sub which is getting more and more tempting every time the dash comes apart !

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