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Rear window condensation


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Dear forum,


I have noticed over last few weeks that I am getting a lot of condensation/damp inside rear window that is not clearing with demister even after running car for 10 mins warm. Am thinking window seals may have gone as it should be dry, or the demister is not working.


I dont drive the car that much (once a week generally, but go on long trips quite often) so possibly it just needs a good airing!! however surely it should be dry inside even if parked up for long periods...


Has anyone else had this issue?


Got it booked in Wessex Bristol to check it out on Thursday but may cancel if anyone thinks this is normal this time of the year...



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Most 350s have a condensation problems. Run the air con all the time,it removes moisture and helps defrosting.

Chris is correct .... common problem .... AC is not just for hot weather ... run it 24/7




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Sounds like as you said its the demister isnt working. If the window is heated even if its wet in the car you shouldnt get steam on it. Check the fuse :thumbs:


It might be your seals aswell though but there will always be moisture in your car. I use Silca gel that you get with a sofa (big things) and have them in my car to suck up some moisture when its cold. I then leave them on the radiator to get rid of the water. Works really well actually. :thumbs:

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