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Happy Birthday to Keyser and garetgax...


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Thanks everyone, had a great day so far and off out for a meal tonight.


I thought I'd share a couple of pics with you of some presents I got today as they are relevant to the forum :thumbs:


Firstly from Buster I have a new T-Shirt






He also organised some lovely stickers for any visitors




He is already modelling one on the back of the Ginger Ninja :lol::thumbs:



Then from my long suffering wife a sign ...........................




No literally a sign haha









So I took a few minutes out earlier today and it is above the door already :dance:









P.S Sorry about the poor quality pics to dark to take any more now.



Edit : Neil what cake :blush::ninja:


Mind you If you see Alex and come bearing gifts may keep ya a bit ;)

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