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Nail in a tyre :(


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Took my car in to get its P1 and MOT done today and was told that one of the rear tyres has a nail in it. I had to pump up said tyre this morning after I noticed it was very low on air yesterday. Not sure if the nails causing a slow puncture or fast, guess I'll find out when I check every morning!


If I replace the tyre is it best to get two new rears at the same time? They're 452's with 4mm tread left on them as found out on the service a few hours ago.



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YOu will need a "major" tyre repair, as I had to get done on several tyres.

Fully repaired and warranted from these guys...http://www.ts-tyre-repairs.co.uk/


Don't know where you live, but its deffo worth finding out if there are any major tyre repairers in your area. :thumbs:


The tyre place will check if it's repairable, if it's too near the sidewall it won't be.
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I'm afraid that if you've run it flat or even with low pressure for any distance, 20 miles and 15psi seems to be enough, then the fitters may well refuse to repair it. That's happened to me twice now but to be fair I could see the damage on the inside of the tyre :shrug:




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I'm in Manchester so there should be a few tyre repair places nearby! I found one locally which I'll try and take to to get a look at it. Hopefully it isn't damaged beyond repair, I've no idea how long it was running on low pressure though!

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry to necropost here, but at least I used the search, and thought this would be an appropriate thread to post in!


So today I went down to the local garage to check my wheel balancing, which was corrected so no more vibration on the motorway! :yahoo:


The downside was, we found a 1.5 inch nail dug in to one of my rears, in the tread groove. amazingly the tyre pressure have been OK so I never would've known otherwise, but of course got the nail removed and the tyre repaired. Its an almost brand new Bridgestone so there was no way I was replacing it unless I had to!


Anyway, just wanted to ask how 'good' these tyre repairs are. The repair they did was to drill out the hole (!) to make it circular, then threaded this plastic tube thing in to seal it. I assume that's the standard way of doing it but I thought I'd better mention the method just in case it made a difference.


Now I'm planning to track the car very soon, will that sort of repair stand up to track work? Or will hard cornering/sliding/wheelspin/heat in the tyres be too much for it? Garage seemed confident, but thought it safest to get a second opinion!

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