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Camera help - Now with thanks & pics!

EH 370z

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Quick update on the camera front, for the wife’s Christmas prezzie.

So ordered it last week, finished in white. Lovely.


"No problem Mr Cooper, see you Tuesday to pick it up!"

Great, I thought.


Went in yesterday on my day off.

"Er, don’t understand it’s not here! Let me just check....."

25 minutes later

"No sorry, it's not there" she says

"Not where? it’s not here, I am guessing and that’s all I am really bothered about!"

They hadn't the stock in at the ware house but didn’t think it was that important to tell anyone - *******. :rant:

"Right then when can you get me a white Nikon 1 n1?"


"This year?"


I now have a BLACK Nikon N1 - Three hours later, and two trips to Middlesbrough and one to Stockton. :angry:


The moral of the tail is that, Jessops advice and knowledge is great (if you get the right bod) However their infrastructure leaves a lot to be desired.

Hope she bloody like it..... :shrug:


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  • 4 weeks later...
  EH 370z said:
  ds2000 said:
Good purchase! Get some extra hard disk space now ;)


Yes got an external hard drive, getting a bit of a dear do this camera lark!! :lol:

Slippy slope, just like cars, next it will be more lenses, filters(?), flash, other accessories :surrender:

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  Chris`I said:
  Dblock said:
not much bokeh :p

Didnt think you could measure bokeh? Isnt bokeh the quality of the blurred areas? If so how do you measure it and have more? ;)


I am pleased you know what he's on about! I thought it was some sort of small penis insult, that went over my head :lol::lol:

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  Chris`I said:
  Dblock said:
not much bokeh :p

Didnt think you could measure bokeh? Isnt bokeh the quality of the blurred areas? If so how do you measure it and have more? ;)


Yes, bokeh is the blurry background. A low f number will give you some bokeh and a larger sensor. Also bokeh changes lens to lens. A nifty fifty gives you decent bokeh but a sigma 50 f1.4 gives you some amazing bokeh :thumbs:

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  Dblock said:
  Chris`I said:
  Dblock said:
not much bokeh :p

Didnt think you could measure bokeh? Isnt bokeh the quality of the blurred areas? If so how do you measure it and have more? ;)


Yes, bokeh is the blurry background. A low f number will give you some bokeh and a larger sensor. Also bokeh changes lens to lens. A nifty fifty gives you decent bokeh but a sigma 50 f1.4 gives you some amazing bokeh :thumbs:

Lense/sensor/aperture combo will give you different depths of field, so more or less or the background can be in focus or not, but bokeh is the quality or feel of that blurred area, not the amount of blurred area. Some combo's give aesthetically pleasing bokeh, some not so. But AFAIK you cant have more or less of it, it just is what it is. You cant mathematically quantify it nor easily design it into a lense. Or get "good bokeh" using a certain focal length/aperture/sensor size combo ;)

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After much deliberation the GF decided in the Nikon D3100 DSLR for Christmas. Went Jessop’s and was told the factory in Thailand is currently under water and they are not expecting to be producing cameras until February for delivery to store in April. :scare:

Ended up getting pretty much the last D5100 in Scotland at £200 more. :blush:

Thats 2 less tanks of petrol this year. Bugger.

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Bokeh can refer to the out-of-focus areas in an image. More commonly these days it is used as a judgement of the "quality" of the blur. It's derived from a Japanese word meaning haze (or blur)


As with all things, you will be told by the experts that good bokeh is very expensive and you have to spend £1000s on a lens.


As we know, as 350Z owners, not all good things are expensive and there are plenty of £100 to £500 lenses that will give "good" bokeh.


Experiment with the focal length and aperture on your lens and you might find a combination that gives a pleasing blur.

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  BulletMagnet said:
So this pic got bokeh?


Taken by my novice self with a Canon 1100D

Yup :thumbs:


Its hard to achieve with lenses that are small and with sensors that are small, which is why you see it a lot more on SLRs than any other cameras. They are getting better at tricking smaller sensor cameras into doing it, but it will never look as "right" as with a full frame SLR.

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