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How not to go upstairs

Emperor Ming

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Did a bit of a raid Saturday at another cannabis growers house.

Talks our way through the front door having smelled quality skunk wafting up and down a windy street.

The lady of the house straight away admits that there is cannabis being grown upstairs so my buddy goes up to have a look.

Within seconds I hear the sounds of a bit of a scuffle so I dash for the stairs.

At this stage I should add that it is a small middle terrace house with VERY narrow stairs. I leap them two at a time and half way up smash my head into the wooden overhang. PAINFULL !! your having a laugh!! Every vertebrae from the base of my skull to my coxsyx popped. I dropped to the floor like I had been baseball batted. I lay with my arms over my head cursing like a navvy docker with enflamed piles for about 20 seconds and then realised that my arms and legs still worked.

I slowly got up to a blinding head ache and a carpet burn on my forehead. Having no hair this does look a little strange i can assure you.

My mates didn't know whether to laugh or come to my assistance so they:









At least we got the cannabis. All nicely dried and ready to smoke!!

Ming the sore

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Ming, that is pretty funny!


Maybe you'll have to smoke yourself painfree on the stash you discovered.

If it weasn't for the fact I am so honest I would have seriously considered that LOL :teeth:

My back and neck still feel as if I have played international rugby non stop for a fortnight.

Ming the tender

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Ming the clumsy more like!! Was it you that hit yourself in the face a while ago with an hammer? ;)


Same night I banged my head I also spashed red hot oil on my arm whilst cooking Tea. Mrs Ming wanted me to do some ironing but i was frightened to get the damn thing out just in case!!

Ming the clumsy I agree

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Wow, I thought they chucked you out with a huge pension after 20 years!

You have to do 30 years mate and then you get the pension.

I had a bit of military service in the middle so I still have 4 years 6 days 8 hrs and 54 minutes left to go!

As for the pension we pay 11% of everything we earn to get it mate. :scare:

Ming the Ready

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You cant be serious, your noses led you to the house?? Must have been a tip off? :headhurt:



Cannabis nearing cropping or just after it is cropped has a right pong to it. Take the smell of a smoked spliff, sweeten it a bit and then concentrate it by a factor of 20 and you will get an idea what a decent crop of weed smells like ;)

When i have done a raid if I leave my shoes in the hall Mrs ming knows as soon as she comes into the house its that strong.

Imagine what I smell like if i have spent several hours cutting the stuff down :wacko:

I would hazard a guess and say that 25% of all my seizures come from a sniff test or a bit of info like

'There is a strong smell of cannabis on ******* Street.'

We literally walk up and down the street 'sniffing' vents letterboxes etc to get an idea of which house it is!!

We do not often fail it has to be said.

Ming the blood Hound

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Wow, I thought they chucked you out with a huge pension after 20 years!

You have to do 30 years mate and then you get the pension.

I had a bit of military service in the middle so I still have 4 years 6 days 8 hrs and 54 minutes left to go!


Ming the Ready


Nice to see your not counting the days :p

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