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New toy arriving tomorrow


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Finally had confirmation that after all the delays with hard drive deliveries my new pc arrives tomorrow.




Upgraded the graphics card to an nvidea gtx580. It should be a real beast :teeth:


all to play bf3 lol. Pity im so going to get owned, still at least it will look pretty when i keep dying.


Used to be really into building my own pcs but a few years ago i found i really couldnt beat the deal that chillblast were offering. Great customer service so i went for them again.


Feels like its the night before christmas again :teeth:

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Should be a little beast, just built myself a similar spec pc but with the 2600k cpu. :thumbs:


DDR3 ram is so cheap these days, no excuse for not having a good slab of it installed. :)


Hard drives have gone up massively in the last 6 weeks all due to the floods in Thailand. I got a 1TB Western Digital black edition at the end of September for £71 its now retailing at £170 :surrender:


http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showth ... t=18331625

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Awesome, and cheap too, I have a similar spec (although not quite as good..) machine that I bought when the i7 JUST came out and it cost me over £3000 and that was without the other goodies that you're getting like monitor etc.


Shame it isn't watercooled that I can see, and personally I stick with ATi cards now, Nividias are better on their own, but you can trounce them by just running more ATi cards in Crossfire. Or at least that's how it used to be.. been a while since I've messed around building PCs.


Have fun with it, give it a real test with some strategy games though! Supreme Commander Forged Alliance has managed to kill just about every beast machine I've ever seen!

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