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Building the best sound system for the Z!


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Hello guys,


After months and months of research for a quality sound system for the Z, going trough all Z dedicate forums I finally made a decision. I will go for the WickedCas sub enclosure, speaker pods and amp tray, JL subs, speakers and amps, details bellow.


Considering the cost of building this system it will have to be done progressively, before spring:


- buying the subs enclosure, pods and tray

- buying the speakers

- buying the amps and cabling

- vinyl wrapping the tray, pods and subs enclosure

- fitting


Now, there are other options in here, hence why I share this with you. If any of you guys is interested in building the same setup we have the following options:


a) I will buy the amp tray, sub enclosure and speaker pods from WickedCas in USA and get RT-Performance to use them as moulds to create an UK version, same quality but way cheaper, saving on VAT, import duty, transportation, etc! I can then organise a group buy for the JL speakers, subs, amps and cabling


B) I can organise a group buy and ask for a good discount from WickedCas in USA. I'd say anything from 3 members upwards will be enough to ask for a good discount.


c) open to different options for saving on cost


Now let's get technical:



1. 350Z Amp Rack - $399.95




Accommodates amps up to 11" deep and up to 34" in length and amps are recessed about 2.5". Rack weighs in between 9 and 10lbs depending on spray pattern so keep your setup light in your sports car


Details: http://www.wickedcas.com/product.php?productid=96&cat=8&page=1


Gallery: http://www.wickedcas.com/gallery/v/wcasdesign/Zamprack/


Fitting: http://www.wickedcas.com/gallery/v/wcasdesign/Rackinstr/





2. 350Z 3X10 Strut Tower Sub Enclosure - $299.95




This enclosure will fit under the strut tower bar in the 2003-2008 350Z coupe models only and houses 3 X10" subwoofers. JL 10w3v3 Subwoofer is recommended


Details: http://www.wickedcas.com/product.php?productid=3&cat=8&page=1


Gallery: http://www.wickedcas.com/gallery/v/magicboxes/350z/TRIPLE/





3. 350z speaker pods - $179.95




Designed to fit the 03-05 Nissan 350Z there are many of these in use with great results. They will angle the speaker towards the driver and will eliminate the sound loss created from the stock door panels. Stock grilles only allow about 40% of the sound to go through the door.


Details: http://www.wickedcas.com/product.php?pr ... t=8&page=1


Gallery: http://www.wickedcas.com/gallery/v/wcasdesign/350zpods/





4. JL Amps





http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/190588495309? ... 1423.l2649


Details: http://mobile.jlaudio.com/products_amps.php?amp_id=632





http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/180738484776? ... 1423.l2649


Details: http://mobile.jlaudio.com/products_amps.php?amp_id=482


5. JL Sub speakers - $174.95 x 3




Details: http://mobile.jlaudio.com/products_subs ... ries_id=24


Sensitivity: 84.87 dB

RMS Power Range : 75-300 Watts

Peak Power Handling: 600 Watts

Impedance: 4 Ohm

Diameter: 10 Inch



3 x JL AUDIO 10W3V3-4 OHM 10" 500W W3 V3 CAR SUBWOOFER

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/300607645788? ... 1423.l2649


Will try to get some alternative prices from RT-Performance in the next day or so for the fibre glass pods, tray and sub enclosure. Also try to speak with WickedCas for a gruou buy discount, including postage. Please feel free to comment and suggest different options!




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Very nice Adrian, you certainly don't do things by half.


Quality components and quality fitments.


Not heard too much about JL speakers though, I have a JL amp myself and Hertz speakers with a Pioneer Sub.


I guess you need something punchy to be heard above that exhaust of yours :lol:


If you want to hear my setup and are free saturday pop to Taras' place and have a listen as I will be picking my car up :thumbs:

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IMO You need a much much bigger box for that from 3 subs. Doesnt have what space the box has in cuft2. Im sure the subs need about 0.5 to 1cuft each not including displacment.


Also thats gonna be very bass heavy unless you turn them down which there is no point in or it will drown out your speakers?


Also is that 1200wrms per sub or for 3 subs?


Lastly why JL stuff. Do you like it or are you a brand name lover? IMO better stuff out there for the money just less main stream.

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  Dblock said:
IMO You need a much much bigger box for that from 3 subs. Doesnt have what space the box has in cuft2. Im sure the subs need about 0.5 to 1cuft each not including displacment.


Also thats gonna be very bass heavy unless you turn them down which there is no point in or it will drown out your speakers?


Also is that 1200wrms per sub or for 3 subs?


Lastly why JL stuff. Do you like it or are you a brand name lover? IMO better stuff out there for the money just less main stream.


Alternatives could be:


Zenclosures http://www.zenclosures.com/350z_s/43.htm


T Customz http://www.tccustomz.com/inc/sdetail/80/195


Or: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Custom-NISSAN-3 ... 0809273526


Why JL stuff? To me it's like asking why use Apple MacBook Pro when you can get a Dell :lol:


What else do you suggest in terms of speakers and amps?

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If its JL you want then thats cool. I understand to some people looks of their sound system mean alot. I have an Fi Q sub and most people havent heard of them but they are awesome just alot less mainstream. You got to know whats what too. Its like detailing stuff if your new you like turtle wax and your hardcore people go for names you cant usually pronounce :lol: .


What sound you going for boomer? SQL? SQ? Show?


I have a zenenclosure but it needed slightly modding. That ebay one doesnt look great as it looks to me it will be firing at the back of your head. But it looks like it has alot of space plus it has somewhere showy to put your amps.


Which speakers are you going to be running and how many. Active or passive?



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There's a few build pics of a sub box fitted in the standard location (by Lee @ Sonic Frontiers) here http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... 557&type=3


Ended up with a Rainbow subwoofer in the end and it's deep, clean and punchy. It really integrates well with the Morel front end, all driven with a Genesis 4 channel amp. The best thing is that it's pretty much factory stealth apart from the custom A pillar builds so very low profile. It may be worth giving Lee a call about your 350z. He's currently working on a Bently continental GT build :thumbs:

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At the end of the day it's your system and money but you don't seem to be matching the right box With your subs. If it's no compromise you should 100% be matching your sub with you front or you won't hear anything but bass.




  octet said:
Another alternative:


http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... 0766779398



I think I'm going to stick to my original setup, I want something unique, professional, best quality, no compromise :)

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  • 1 month later...

Thought I'd go and ask some professionals advice today regarding the sound system. Been to Auto Audio in Park Royal, my goodness, lots of Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsches and many other super sport or luxurious cars in the work shop. (they've been kind enough to show me the workshop). The really know what they are doing, being sound, speakers, leather trims, custom screens, etc, etc, a bit like Pimp my ride stuff :lol:


Anyway, after they've seen the car and listen to the current sound they've recommended the following:


1. Front door speakers and twitters changed to Morel Elate 6




http://morelhifi.com/products/mob_2way_elate.html - £622.46 + VAT - including fitting


ebay alternative: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/260916565869


2. Rear speakers changed to Morel Tempo Coax




http://morelhifi.com/products/mob_2way_tempo.html - £150.00 + VAT - including fitting


ebay alternative: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/260912826118


3. Subwoofer speaker changed to Pioneer TS-SW2501S4 + custom box to replace the existing Bose Sub behind the driver seat




http://www.pioneer.eu/uk/products/25/13 ... index.html - £160 + £250(box) + VAT - including fitting


ebay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/380393141280


4. Amplifier changed to Alpine PDX-F6




http://www.alpine-electronics.co.uk/p/P ... s31/pdx-f6 - £549.00 + VAT




5. Cables


about £100


Total all included about £2,200.00.


Does this sound as a better setup than my initial one? I liked the sound demoed, not sure about the prices yet as I haven't checked any other alternatives...


EDIT - ebay alternative links also included.

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Ho, ho, hooo!


Managed to get superb deals from ebay after two days of heavily negotiations :teeth:


Morel Elate 6 2-Way 6" Component Speakers + Morel Tempo = $750 inc shipping directly from Israel


Alpine PDX-F6 - $561 inc shipping from U, S and A :)


Pioneer TS-SW2501S4 - $173 inc shipping from U, S and A


That would be a total of $1484 = £952




Auto Audio price - £622 + £150 + £160 + VAT = £1481 + VAT = £1777.2


That would be a total saving of £825


Just need some Dynamat, the sub box which I will be doing, the cables and the installation to be done by AutoAudio! Can't wait!

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  • 2 weeks later...

On a good side the audio goodies arrived today, only paid about £85 charges for 3 parcels, one from Israel, 2 from US. Great overall saving!


Car booked for installation next week, can't wait!












Afterall, I'm glad I did not go for the initial setup, thank you guys for great advices here!

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As soon as i saw a parcel from isareal i was thinking got to be Morel, (have not read all of page one yet) i have pheonix gold elite components in mine which were made by morel and they are awsome im sure you wont be disapointed. I really should finish off my install this winter have so many bits to add in still and sound deadening too i put the basic bits in and just left it for time to get the tools out and finish it off i thinks, any way looking good interested on hearing it when its finished i love a good sql system, i love a good spl system too but my stroker doesn't fit in the Zed :(

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As soon as i saw a parcel from isareal i was thinking got to be Morel, (have not read all of page one yet) i have pheonix gold elite components in mine which were made by morel and they are awsome im sure you wont be disapointed. I really should finish off my install this winter have so many bits to add in still and sound deadening too i put the basic bits in and just left it for time to get the tools out and finish it off i thinks, any way looking good interested on hearing it when its finished i love a good sql system, i love a good spl system too but my stroker doesn't fit in the Zed :(

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  Ekona said:
I'm sure I've missed the obvious here, but I'm going to ask it anyway: What head unit is all this lot going through?


I think it is one of these :teeth:






If memory serves me right Adrian fitted a very nice Pioneer unit a while back, I'm guessing he isn't changing it although looking at all that I.C.E. it may be time for an upgrade... I am thinking lots of screens and maybe an Xbox somewhere B)

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